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Artist: Philippos Yiapanis

Location: Ammochostos Cultural Center, Deryneia. Ammochostos district. 

Material: Brass

Category: Turkish Invasion

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The artwork was offered to Deryneia Municipality by the sculptor himself. According to the dedicatory plaque situated in front of the artwork: “It was executed and offered from the sculptor Phillipos Yiapanis as a commemoration to his father and to all those who he loved and those who did not manage to reach their Ithaca”. The unveiling of the monument took place in 2004.

On the aforementioned plaque, Deryneia Municipality authorities noted: 

“We will stand on this land where we were born, like windswept trees; like trees wiped by thunderstorms cherishing the fruit in gestation. We will stand on this land where we were born, keeping alive the memory of our ancestors; with love for our descendants; and a blissful serenity inside us.Dedicated to all those who lost their lives during the whirlwind of evil, either because they were killed, or because they are missing. Or because they did not make it in time”. 
