Christodoulos Galatopoulos (Χριστόδουλος Γαλατόπουλος) bust

Χριστόδουλος Γαλατόπουλος (4)n

Χριστόδουλος Γαλατόπουλος (5)n

Artist: Nikos Sofialakis

Location: Georgios Grivas Digenis Avenue, opposite the high school,

Pafos Municipality. Pafos district.

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 123 cm x 50 cm x 35 cm

Category: Public Figures, Union (enosis)

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Christodoulos Galatopoulos was a politician, Mayor of Pafos Municipality and a fervent advocate of the enosis (union) with Greece ideology. His bust was commissioned in 1963 by an ad hoc private committee for Christodoulos Galatopoulos bust. The unveiling took place on May 28th 1967.

Selected sources:
Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), February 23, 1963, p. 5.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), April 13, 1963, p. 8.
~ Μάχη (Mahi), March 15, 1963, p. 5.
~ Μάχη (Mahi), May 25, 1967, p. 8.
