Artist: Unknown
Location: Zoodochou Piyi church yard. Pafos district.
Material: Stone and brass
Category: 1974 Coup, Turkish Invasion
Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou
The memorial is dedicated to Athanasios Georgiou (Αθανάσιος Γεωργίου) who died in July 1974 during the coup against Makarios III, and to the missing Yiannakis Georgiou (Γιαννάκη Γεωργίου) and Arestis Panayiotou (Αρέστη Παναγιώτου). Usually it is only the dead who are commemorated with a bust or a statue, while for the listed as missing it is only their name carved in stone, or a black and white photograph inserted on a pedestal or a commemorative wall.
Personal notes are usual in these cases. Here, on Arestis Panayiotou’ pedestal is noted “We are waiting for you…”.
A more eloquent note is carved on Yiannakis Georgiou’ plaque: “Years pass by, but your memory is always vivid. We keep you in our hearts waiting for your coming back. It will be a celebration day, that day. Our wish, Yiannakis, is that this plaque will be soon removed by your own hands”.
Athanasios Georgiou’s bust was commissioned by his family. The unveiling of the monument took place on July 2nd 2006.