Memorial to the Freedom Fighters

Μνημείο Ηρώων(2)n Μνημείο Ηρώων(6)n

Artist: Nikolaos Kotziamanis 

Location: Panayia Chriseleousa yard, Koili village. Pafos district.

Dimensions: 2 meters x 65 ~ 80 cm x 65 ~ 80 cm

Category: War Volunteers, EOKA 1955-59 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial is dedicated to the Koili EOKA dead fighters, and to those who were killed during the Greek Independence War of 1821, the Balkan Wars, the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922 and the Second World War. It was commissioned by the Koili expatriates association. The unveiling took place on July 8th 2001. 

Although the bust has no title and therefore its meaning is open to interpretations, the helmet indicates goddess Athena. This head is an exact copy of Athens’ head at the memorial to the EOKA 1955-59 dead at Agios Pavlos church in Nicosia, known also as “Liberty Monument”. Both are made by the same artist. Strong necks support the goddesses’ heads and their facial traits appear more masculine than feminine, despite their long hair. The placement of the laurel wreath on the helmet in both cases is not a familiar aesthetic formulation or symbolism for Athena, but eloquently reflects the intentions of the sculpture’s commissioners.

Selected sources: 
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), July 9, 2001, p. 3.
