Andreas Patsalidis (Ανδρέας Πατσαλίδης) and Charalambos Pettemeridis (Χαράλαμπος Πεττεμερίδης) statues

               Andreas Patsalidisn Charalambos Pettemeridisn                                           Andreas Patsalidis               Charalambos Pettemeridis

Γενικός χώρος ανδριάντων (1)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Adjacent to Panayias church, Kannavia village. Nicosia district

Material: Brass 

Category: EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative was taken in 1962 by an ad hoc private committee and SIMAE (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle). In 2009, SIMAE funded the conservation of the statues, necessary due to the gradual erosion over time.

Selected sources:
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2009.10, document May 12, 2008; Meetings Minutes May 7, 2009; June 11, 2009.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2009.11, documents May 12, 2009; October 27, 2009.
