
Γλυπτό Γλάροι (6) n Γλυπτό Γλάροι (8) n

Artist: Theodoros Papayiannis

Location:  Evropis (Europe) square, Athinon Avenue, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Category: Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The artwork was commissioned in 1995 and was funded by the Larnaka and the Larnaka-Kition “Rotary” clubs as well as by individual contributors. The unveiling took place in May 1996. It is located on the city’s beach walk, the most populated Larnaka location.

Selected sources:
~Απογευματινή (Apogevmatini), July 25, 1994.
~Μάχη (Mahi), May 16, 1996.
~Χαραυγή (Haravgi), February 4, 1996.
