Memorial to the Cypriot Mother

Κυπρία Μάνα (1)n

 Κυπρία Μάνα (7)n Κυπρία Μάνα (13)n

Artist: Andreas Terentis 

Location: Kyriakou Matsis Avenue, Aradippou village. Larnaka district. 

Material: Cement 

Category: Cypriot women

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken by the Aradippou Municipality and the Larnaka Committee of the Cypriot Guardsmen’ Mothers and Husbands (ΠΕΜΣΕ/PESME). The unveiling took place on October 9th 1996. The cost was covered through private funding.

One of the statues is an exact copy of the Perivolia village (Larnaka district) statue of Kallipatira, and the Mother of the dead and missing memorial at Vrisoules village (Ammochostos district). All three statues (as well as the whole memorial of Aradippou listed here) are made by the same sculptor. 

Selected sources:
~Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), December 6, 1995, p. 4.
~Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), December 23, 1995, p. 20.
