Sergeant Christakis S. Neokleous Zenios (Λοχίας Χριστάκης Σ. Νεοκλέους Ζένιος) bust

Προτομή Χριστάκη Νεοκλέους (3)n Προτομή Χριστάκη Νεοκλέους (4)n

Artist: Fedonas Potamitis 

Location: Arakapas. Limassol district

Dimensions: 136 cm x 41 cm x 41 cm 

Category: Turkish Invasion

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken by the family of Sergeant Christakis S. Neokleous Zenios. The unveiling took place on October 15th 1993.
