1st Symposium, Kato Polemidia

Antonis Myrodiasn Colin Figuen

                        Antonis Myrodias                                                 Colin Figue

Canan Zonmezdagn Elio Liivn

Canan Sonmezdag                         Elio Liiv

Emil Adamecn Giorgos Moisisn

Emil Adamec                     George Moisi

Petre Petrovn Sergei Lopukhovn

Petre Petrov                                                    Sergey Lopukhov

Simona De Lorenzon Stefania Palumbon

Simona De Lorenzo                                    Stefania Palumbo

1st Symposium 

October 6-18, 2008

The first symposium at Kato Polemidia was organized by the Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts and Christos Lanitis, who represents the International Association for Monumental Sculpture Events (AIESM). It was funded by the Ministry of Education, the Kato Polemidia Municipality and The Friends of Fine Arts. Ten professional sculptors participated after submitting their proposals to the organizing committee. All of them worked with a piece of at least 2 cubic meters local stone. All the works are titled as “Untitled”. 

The participant sculptors were: Colin Figue from England, Emil Adamec from Czech, Sergey Lopukhov from Russia, Elio Liiv from Estonia, Canan Sonmezdag from Turkey, Stefania Palumbo from Italy, Antonis Myrodias from Greece, Simona De Lorenzo from Italy, Petre Petrov from Bulgaria, George Moisi from Cyprus.

After the conclusion of the symposium all the artworks were placed at Kale Vounari location, a hill slope outside Kato Polemidia town. The area is arranged as a public park. 
