Andreas Themistokleous (Ανδρέας Θεμιστοκλέους) bust

Προτομή Ανδρέα Θεμιστοκλέους (4)n Προτομή Ανδρέα Θεμιστοκλέους (15)n

Artist: Chrysostomos Perdios 

Location: Agia Zoni square, Agia Zoni street, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Carrara marble 

Dimensions: 160 cm (+ 36 cm the two steps) x 46 cm x 36 cm

Category: Public Figures, Union (énosis), Public sculpture before 1960 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Themistokleous had been the head of the Limassol high school and a fervent supporter of the enosis (union with Greece) ideology. The initiative for the bust was taken in 1957 by an ad hoc private committee, and the Limassol Municipality. The unveiling took place on November 1st 1959. 

Selected sources:
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), March 21, 1957, p. 4.
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), April 25, 1957, p. 1.  
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), May 23, 1957, p. 1.
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), June 6, 1957, p. 1. 
~ Χρόνος (Hronos), July 13, 1957, p. 4. 
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.
