Kostas Montis (Κώστας Μόντης) and Marios Tokas (Μάριος Τόκας) busts

Κώστας Μόντης και Μάριος Τόκας (1)n

Κώστας Μόντης και Μάριος Τόκας (4)n Κώστας Μόντης και Μάριος Τόκας (2)n

Artist: Giorgos Mavroyenis 

Location: Stasinou Avenue, Photos Photiades Business Building, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 143 cm x 43 cm x 44 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for both busts was taken by Photos Photiades Scientific and Cultural Institution who coordinated the fundraising. Kostas Montis was a renowned Cypriot poet. The unveiling of his bust took place on July 30th 2007. The composer Marios Tokas, with Cypriot origins from Limassol, lived in Greece where he had a significant presence since the end of the 1970s. Tokas became very popular through his work with renowned Cypriot and Greek poets. The unveiling of his bust took place two years later, on September 16th 2009.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/9, document June 9, 2005. 
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.17, document April 27, 2004.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.19, document March 10, 2009; March 20, 2009; August 25, 2009.
