Monument to Goddess Athena

Θεά Αθηνά Παλλουριώτισσα (2)n Θεά Αθηνά Παλλουριώτισσα (3)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Egeos Avenue, Pallouriotissa Lyceum, Nicosia. Nicosia district 

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 2.35 meters

Category: International relations, Ancient Greek & Byzantine legacy

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The statue is an exact copy of Efranoras’, student of Phidias, work of 340-330 B.C. The original Athena goddess of Efranoras is exhibited in Piraeus Archeological Museum, Athens. 

The statue was donated by the Municipality of Athens to the Municipality of Nicosia. The unveiling took place on October 7th 2002.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.12, documents May 30, 2002; July 1, 2002;  July 2, 2002; July 25, 2002.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.13, documents September 10, 2002; September 13, 2002; September 25, 2002.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.14, document October 8, 2002.
