Inter-communal conflicts 1963-64
The trigger for the 1963-64 inter-communal conflicts was the thirteen amendments to the Constitution which President Archbishop Makarios III had suggested. The revisions were rejected by the Turkish Cypriot part, which constituted only about 18% of the country’s population, because they would limit their political power. Subsequently, the segregation of the two communities which started in 1958 deepened even more and separate municipalities with autonomous administration began to develop in Cyprus’ five main cities. The armed conflicts in December 1963 between Turkish Cypriot members of paramilitary groups and the National Guard (see category National Guard) turned that Christmas into what became known as “bloody Christmas”.
Extensive conflicts took place during the following year where atrocities were committed by both sides. Considerable numbers of victims were counted, though mainly on the Turkish Cypriot part, where they were counted in thousands.
Andreas D. Geroudis (Ανδρέας Δ. Γερούδης) bust
Andreas Geroudis (Ανδρέας Γερούδης) bust
Christakis Ptochopoulos (Χριστάκης Πτωχόπουλος) bust
Demetris Hamatsos (Δημήτρης Χάματσος) statue
Dimitrakis Papamiltiadis (Δημητράκης Παπαμιλτιάδης) bust
Dimitrakis Papamiltiadous (Δημητράκης Παπαμιλτιάδους) bust
Georgios Eikosaris (Γεώργιος Εικοσάρης) bust
Georgios Chr. Katsaris (Γεώργιος Χρ. Κατσαρής) bust
Georgios S. X’’Yiannis (Γεώργιος Σ. Χ’’Γιάννης) bust
Lazaros Georgiou (Λάζαρος Γεωργίου) statue
Liberty monument – Memorial for the Polemi dead
Major General Tasos Markou (Τάσος Μάρκου) statue
Memorial to Archbishop Makarios III and to the dead fighters from Pafos
Memorial to the 1964 dead from Pafos
Memorial to the Aradippou dead during the national fights
Memorial to the Dali dead and missing
Memorial to the dead and missing
Memorial to the dead and missing of Empa & Georgios Christoforou bust
Memorial to the dead of the “Pharos” union
Memorial to the dead Policemen
Memorial to the dead sailors 1964-1974
Memorial to the Geri dead and missing
Memorial to the Lakatamia dead and missing & Grigoris Afxentiou (Γρηγόρης Αυξεντίου) bust
Memorial to the Latsia dead and missing
Memorial to the Morfou dead and missing
Memorial to the Tsada dead & Evagoras Pallikaridis (Ευαγόρας Παλληκαρίδης) bust
Pavlos Irakleous (Παύλος Ηρακλέους) and Kostas Karnavalos (Κώστας Καρνάβαλος) busts