Modern sculpture
1st Symposium, Polis Chrysochou
2nd Symposium, Polis Chrysochou
3rd Symposium, Polis Chrysochou
Architectural and artistic intervention at the entrance of Museum of Maritime Life
Memorial to Evaggelos Florakis (Ευάγγελος Φλωράκης) and the National Guard officers
Memorial to Pafos dead during the Second World War
Memorial to the 3rd Company of 211 Infantry Battalion (211 ΤΠ) dead and missing
Memorial to the Armenian Genocide
Memorial to the EOKA 1955-59 fighters
Memorial to the dead Policemen
Memorial to the Geri dead and missing
Memorial to the Greco-Turkish alliance
Memorial to the Latsia dead and missing
Memorial to the Kontemenos dead and missing
Panayiotis Toumazos (Παναγιώτης Τουμάζος) statue
Understanding, Solidarity and Fellowship
Untitled (Philippos Yiappanis)
Untitled (Dimitris Constantinou)
Untitled ((Philippos Yiapanis)
Untitled (Theodoulos Grigoriou)