Modern sculpture

1st Symposium, Polis Chrysochou

1st Symposium, Kato Polemidia

2nd Symposium, Kato Polemidia

2nd Symposium, Polis Chrysochou

3rd Symposium, Polis Chrysochou

1st Symposium, Limassol

2nd Symposium, Limassol

3rd Symposium, Limassol

Nicosia Symposium

Anelixis (Advancement)

Architectural and artistic intervention at the entrance of Museum of Maritime Life


Ceremonial gathering

Fifty doves

Freedom message to the world

Golden Stone


Hephaestus statue


Like a tree

Limassol My Love “Loulis”

Machairas commemoration place


Memorial to Evaggelos Florakis (Ευάγγελος Φλωράκης) and the National Guard officers

Memorial to Pafos dead during the Second World War

Memorial to the 3rd Company of 211 Infantry Battalion (211 ΤΠ) dead and missing

Memorial to the Armenian Genocide

Memorial to the Athienou dead

Memorial to the EOKA 1955-59 fighters

Memorial to the dead Policemen

Memorial to the Geri dead and missing

Memorial to the Greco-Turkish alliance

Memorial to the Latsia dead and missing

Memorial to the Kontemenos dead and missing


Nuovo Twist

Olympic Hall Sculptures

Panayiotis Toumazos (Παναγιώτης Τουμάζος) statue

Passing Moments

Past presence

Petreon sculpture park

Rainbow – Uplift


Steni Public Sculptures

The poet

The Resolution

The shot blasting

The tree of knowledge



Understanding, Solidarity and Fellowship

Untitled (Christos Lanitis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiappanis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Dimitris Constantinou)

Untitled (Christos Lanitis)

Untitled (Phillipos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled ((Philippos Yiapanis)

Untitled (Theodoulos Grigoriou)