Perdios Chrysostomos (Περδίος Χρυσόστομος)

He was born in Limassol, Cyprus in 1907 and died in 1987. He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts. In his workshop in Limassol he created mostly busts and funerary monuments. In his work he applied the realistic academic and romantic aesthetics. He was described as “the most important link between folk and art sculpture creation” in Cyprus.
Andreas Themistokleous (Ανδρέας Θεμιστοκλέους) bust

Andreas Vlamis (Ανδρέας Βλάμης) bust

Dimitris Arminiotis (Δημήτρης Αρμινιώτης) bust

Efthymios Oratis (Ευθύμιος Οράτης) bust

Grigoris Afxentiou (Γρηγόρης Αυξεντίου) bust

Memorial to Anafotia heroes

Memorial to the Vavla Benefactors

Nikos Nikolaidis (Νίκος Νικολαΐδης) bust

Stelios Mavrou (Στέλιος Μαύρου) bust

Solomon Panagidis (Οικονόμος Σολομών Παναγίδης) bust

Stylianos Lenas (Στυλιανός Λένας) bust