Category Archives: Public Figures

Viktoras Ioannidis (Βίκτωρας Ιωαννίδης) bust

Προτομή Βίκτωρ Ν. Ιωαννίδη (9)n Προτομή Βίκτωρ Ν. Ιωαννίδη (7)n

Artist: Fedonas Potamitis

Location: Viktoras Ioannidis square, Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Limassol. Limassol district

Dimensions: 168 cm x 46 cm x 46 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Viktoras Ioannidis was an artist (painter). He was a graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Athens and he worked for a period of time as a cartoonist for Athenian newspapers.

The initiative for his bust was taken in 1885 by the Committee of the Viktoras Ioannidis Foundation, and the Limassol Rotary Club. The unveiling took place on April 21st 1991.

Selected sources
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), April 3, 1991, p. 6.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust

????????????? ???????? ????????? ????? (2)n ????????????? ???????? ????????? ????? (5)n

Artist: Unknown 

Location: Pafos Archdiocese, Pafos Municipality. Pafos district. 

Material: Marble 

Dimensions: 122 cm x 71 cm x 41 cm

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned in 1982-1983 during the prettification of the Archdiocese yard.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust

Προτομή Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (3)n

Artist: Memos Makris

Place: Kykkos 2nd lyceum, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 156 cm x 46 cm x 31 cm

Category: Cypriot Church, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The unveiling took place on January 19th 1981.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust


Artist: Nikos Dymiotis

Location: Panayia Chriseleousa Church, Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Material: Marble

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the bust was taken in 1981 by the Panayia Chriseleousa church and Strovolos community. The unveiling took place on December 6th 1982.


Canon Frank Darvall Newham bust

 Προτομή Rev. Canon Newham (4)n Προτομή Rev. Canon Newhamn

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: The English School, Strovolos. Nicosia district.

Dimensions: 143 cm x 58 cm x 57 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Canon Frank Darvall Newham was the founder and the headmaster of the English School in Nicosia. The bust was commissioned by the English School.


Bishop Ioannis Phoradaris (Ιωάννης Φοραδάρης) and Ioannis Mavridis (Ιωάννης Μαυρίδης) busts

Προτομές Χωρεπισκόπου Ιωάννη Φοραδάρη και Ιωάννη Μαυρίδηn Προτομή Ιωάννη Μαυρίδη (2)n Προτομή Χωρεπισκόπου Ιωάννη Φοραδάρη (1)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: Maronite Diocese, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 143 cm x 72 cm x 72 cm 

Category: Maronites, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Bishop Phoradaris was the head of the Maronite community in Cyprus. Ioannis Phoradaris represented the Maronites in the Cypriot Parliament. The busts were commissioned by the Bishop Ioannis Phoradaris Foundation. The unveiling took place on April 21st 2007.



Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) and Georgios Grivas Digenis (Γεώργιος Γρίβας Διγενής) busts

Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (1)n Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (2)n Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (3)n Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (5)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos

Location: Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 Struggle (SIMAE) premises, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Category: Cypriot Church, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial was commissioned in 2002 by the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 Struggle (SIMAE) and the unveiling took place on April 13th 2005.

Selected sources:
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), February 17, 2009.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), February 17, 2009.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2008.9, Meeting Minutes April 10, 2008.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2009.10, document March 24, 2009; Meeting Minutes March 12, 2009.


Athina K. Dianellou (Αθηνά Κ. Διανέλλου) and Evgenia A. Theodotou (Ευγενία Α. Θεοδότου) busts

Γενική όψη του χώρουn Προτομή Αθηνάς Κ. Διανέλλου (Διανέλλειο Γυμνάσιο) (4)n Προτομή Ευγενίας Α. Θεοδότου (6)n

Artist: Andreas Thymopoulos (for A.K. Dianellou) and Ioannis Notaras (for E.A. Theodotou) 

Location: Dianellos and Theodotou high school, Ayias Paraskevis St., Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 2 meters (the pedestals) 

Category: Cypriot Women, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Dianellos and Theodotou high school function in the same premises of the former Nicosia Greek Orphanage. Athina Dianellou and her sister Evgenia Theodotou are considered to be two of the most important benefactors in Cyprus, supporting financially schools and charitable institutions. Evgenia Theodotou’ bust was commissioned in 1959 and the unveiling took place on June 24th 1961.

Selected sources: 
~ Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), June 25, 1961.
~ Αντώνιος & Ευγενία Θεοδότου. Οι άνθρωποι και το έργο τους (Antonios & Evgenia Theodotou. People and their deeds). Cyprus Bank Historical Archive, Nicosia: 2011.


Christodoulos Sozos (Χριστόδουλος Σώζος) bust

Προτομή Χριστόδουλου Σώζου (9)n Προτομή Χριστόδουλου Σώζου (12)n Προτομή Χριστόδουλου Σώζου (18)n

Artist: Georgios Dimitriadis 

Location: Limassol Municipal Park, 28th October street, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Pentelic marble 

Dimensions: > 2 meters

Category: Public Figures, War Volunteers, Union (énosis), Public sculpture before 1960 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Sozos is a prominent personality of Cyprus’ modern history. He was Mayor of Limassol, member in the Legislative Council of Cyprus, and a keen advocate of énosis, the official union with Greece. He died at the Bizani battle in 1912 during the Balkan Wars.

The initiative for his bust was taken in 1914 by the Limassol Municipality and the unveiling took place on June 19th 1915.

Selected sources:
~ Αλήθεια (Alithia), January 25, 1913, p. 2.
~ Αλήθεια (Alithia), February 1, 1913, p. 2.  
~ Αλήθεια (Alithia), June 19, 1915, p. 2, 3.
~ Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), January 25, 1913, p. 2.
~ Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), May 29, 1915, p. 2. 
~ Παγκύπριον Λεύκωμα (Pan Cypriot Album), 1st year, Nicosia: 1925.
~ Papapolyviou Petros, Η Κύπρος και οι Βαλκανικοί Πόλεμοι. Συμβολή στην Ιστορία του Κυπριακού Εθελοντισμού (Cyprus and the Balkan Wars. Contribution to the History of Cypriot Volunteers). Nicosia: Center of Scientific Research, Sources and Studies of Cypriot History XXVI, 1997.
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Memorial to Solonas Michailidis (Σόλωνας Μιχαηλίδης)

Προτομή Σόλωνα Μιχαηλίδη (3)N

Artist: Fedonas Potamitis 

Location: Limassol Municipal Park, Rigas Feraios street. Limassol district 

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Solonas Michailidis was a musician. The memorial was commissioned by the Music Teachers’ Association and the unveiling took place on September 17th 1995.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), September 14, 1995, p. 4.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), September 18, 1995, p. 9.


Ploutis Servas (Πλουτής Σέρβας) bust

Προτομή Πλουτή Σέρβα (2)n Προτομή Πλουτή Σέρβα (5)n

Artist: Fedonas Potamitis

Location: Ipirou street, opposite Iroon square, Limassol. Limassol district

Dimensions: 44 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Ploutis Servas had been Mayor of Limassol in the 1940s. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Municipality of Limassol. The unveiling took place on May 22nd 2002.

Selected sources:
~ Politis, February 19, 2005.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λεμεσού (Limassol Municipality Archive), 15.3.01, document May 30, 2003.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λεμεσού (Limassol Municipality Archive), 15.3.01, document September 13, 2007.


Petros Tsiros (Πέτρος Τσίρος) bust

Προτομή Πέτρου Τσίρου (1)n Προτομή Πέτρου Τσίρου (6)n

Artist: Fedonas Potamitis 

Location: Tsirion stadium, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 179 cm x 46 cm x 50 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Petros Tsiros donated the land where the stadium was built, and thus was named after him. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Limassol gymnastic union “Olympia”. It was made by Fedonas Potamitis in 1980 and the unveiling took place on June 10th 1984.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), June 11, 1984, p. 14. 
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Solomon Panagidis (Οικονόμος Σολομών Παναγίδης) bust

Προτομή Οικονόμου Σολομώντος Παναγίδη (4)n Προτομή Οικονόμου Σολομώντος Παναγίδη (6)n

Artist: Chrysostomos Perdios 

Location: Agia Triada church, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 123 cm the pedestal (+110 cm the two steps) x 36 cm x 34 cm

Category: Public Figures, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Cypriot Church

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Father Solomon Panagidis was the founder of the catechetic in Limassol and of the Christian-Orthodox Youth Union of Limassol (ΟΧΕΝ). He was a member of EOKA 1955-59. The initiative for the bust was taken by his students at the catechetic school who also coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on June 2nd 1968.

Selected sources:
~ Αγών (Agon), May 30, 1968, p. 1.
~ Μάχη (Mahi), December 2, 1964, p. 2.  
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), November 25, 1964, p. 2.
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Nikos Nikolaidis (Νίκος Νικολαΐδης) bust

Προτομή Νίκου Νικολαΐδη (1)n Προτομή Νίκου Νικολαΐδη (2)n

Artist: Chrysostomos Perdios

Location: Limassol Municipal Park, 28th October street, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 1.86 cm x 65 cm x 45 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nikos Nikolaidis was an artist and a writer. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Limassol Municipality and an ad hoc private committee which coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on November 8th 1970.

Selected sources:
~ Κύπρος (Kypros), May 18, 1970, p. 8.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), November 5, 1970, p. 4.
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), July 1, 1970, p. 7.
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/8, Meeting Minutes March 5, 1970.
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Nikolaos Kl. Lanitis (Νικόλαος Κλ. Λανίτης) bust

Προτομή Ν. Κλ. Λανίτη (3)n Προτομή Ν. Κλ. Λανίτη (7)n

Artist: Vasos Falireas 

Location: Tsirion stadium, Limassol. Limassol district 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 141 cm x 50 cm x 36 cm

Category: War Volunteers, Public Figures, Union (énosis)

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nikolas Lanitis was a founding member of the athletic club ‘Olympia’, which he also supported financially, and volunteer in the early 20th century Greek wars. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Limassol gymnastic union “Olympia”. It was made in 1965 by the Greek sculptor Vasos Falireas and the unveiling took place on April 26th 1965.

Selected sources:
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Giorgos Katsounotos (Γιώργος Κατσουνωτός) bust

Προτομή Γεώργιου Κατσουνωτού (2)n Προτομή Γεώργιου Κατσουνωτού (3)n

Artist: Unknown 

Location: Christodoulos Chatzipavlou avenue, Limassol jetty. Limassol district 

Dimensions: 2.15 meters x 46 cm x 47 cm 

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Giorgos Katsounotos was a Mayor of Limassol for a brief period of 18 months in early 1970s. The initiative for the bust was taken by Limassol Rotary club and the unveiling took place on June 12th 1982. 

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), June 17, 1973, p. 10.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), June 12, 1982, p. 10.
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), May 25, 1980, p. 8. 
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Viktoras Ioannidis (Βίκτωρας Ιωαννίδης) bust

Προτομή Βίκτωρ Ν. Ιωαννίδη (7)n Προτομή Βίκτωρ Ν. Ιωαννίδη (9)n

Artist: Fedonas Potamitis 

Location: Viktoras Ioannidis square, Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Limassol. Limassol district

Dimensions: 168 cm x 46 cm x 46 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Viktoras Ioannidis was an artist (painter). He was a graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Athens and he worked for a period of time as a cartoonist for Athenian newspapers. 

The initiative for his bust was taken in 1885 by the Committee of the Viktoras Ioannidis Foundation, and the Limassol Rotary Club. The unveiling took place on April 21st 1991. 

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), April 3, 1991, p. 6.


Vasilis Michaelidis (Βασίλης Μιχαηλίδης) bust

Προτομή Βασίλη Μιχαηλίδη (1)n Προτομή Βασίλη Μιχαηλίδη (4)n

Artist: Antonis Sohos 

Location: Agia Zoni avenue and Vasili Michaelidi street, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Pentelic marble

Dimensions: 180 cm (+24 cm the pedestal) x 39 cm x 29 cm

Category: Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Vasilis Michaelidis is ranked among the most prominent Cypriot poets. He is the writer of the poem “July 9th 1821, Nicosia, Cyprus” which commemorates the death of Archbishop Kyprianos. 

The initiative was taken by an ad hoc private committee and the Limassol Municipality which coordinated the fundraising. The bust was commissioned to the Greek sculptor Antonis Sohos and was finished and shipped by December 1951. The unveiling took place on July 15th 1953. 

Selected sources:
~ Αλήθεια (Alithia), July 28, 1952, p. 1. 
~ Έθνος (Ethnos), July 8, 1952, p. 1.
~ Έθνος (Ethnos), July 16, 1953, p. 1. 
~ Εσπερινή (Esperini), July 28, 1952, p. 1. 
~ Κύπρος (Kypros), February 9, 1953, p. 6. 
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Argyros I. Drousiotis (Αργυρός Ι. Δρουσιώτης) bust

Προτομή Αργυρού Ι. Δρουσιώτη (1)n Προτομή Αργυρού Ι. Δρουσιώτη (3)n

Artist: Fedonas Potamitis 

Location: Limassol Municipal Park, Irine and Argyros Drousiotis street, Limassol. Limassol district 

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 149 cm x 40 cm x 32 cm 

Category: Public Figures, War Volunteers

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Argyros Drousiotis had been the head of Limassol high school from 1912 until 1940, and served as volunteer during the Balkan Wars. The initiative for the bust was taken in 1987 by the Limassol Greek Gymnasium graduates of 1939, the Drousia emigrants, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Limassol School Supervision. The costs were covered by the Greek Gymnasium graduates of 1939. The unveiling took place on December 3rd 1989. 

Selected sources:
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), December 9, 1984, p. 3.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), August 30, 1989, p. 16.
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Andreas Themistokleous (Ανδρέας Θεμιστοκλέους) bust

Προτομή Ανδρέα Θεμιστοκλέους (4)n Προτομή Ανδρέα Θεμιστοκλέους (15)n

Artist: Chrysostomos Perdios 

Location: Agia Zoni square, Agia Zoni street, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Carrara marble 

Dimensions: 160 cm (+ 36 cm the two steps) x 46 cm x 36 cm

Category: Public Figures, Union (énosis), Public sculpture before 1960 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Themistokleous had been the head of the Limassol high school and a fervent supporter of the enosis (union with Greece) ideology. The initiative for the bust was taken in 1957 by an ad hoc private committee, and the Limassol Municipality. The unveiling took place on November 1st 1959. 

Selected sources:
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), March 21, 1957, p. 4.
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), April 25, 1957, p. 1.  
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), May 23, 1957, p. 1.
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), June 6, 1957, p. 1. 
~ Χρόνος (Hronos), July 13, 1957, p. 4. 
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Alexander Pushkin bust



Artist: Alexander Belashov 

Location: Limassol Municipal Park, 28th October street, Limassol. Limassol district 

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 150 cm (+15 cm the step) x 63 cm x 40 cm

Category: International relations, Public Figures

Photography: Adrienne Christiansen 

The bust was commissioned by the Russian State and was donated to Limassol Municipality and Cyprus for the celebrations of 200 years since Pushkin’s birth. The monument was funded by the association of Russian businessmen in Cyprus. The unveiling took place on December 2nd 2000.

The photograph is available here courtesy of Dr. Adrienne Christiansen.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue

Ανδριάντας Αρχ. Μακαρίου Γ' (3)n

Artist: Apostolos Fanakidis 

Location: Forecourt of the Archbishopric Palace, Nicosia. Nicosia district 

Material: Marble

Category: Cypriot Church, EOKA 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The statue was commissioned in 2008 by the Archbishopric of Cyprus. The unveiling took place on May 29th 2011.


Memorial to Konstantinos Leventis (Κωνσταντίνος Λεβέντης)

Στήλη Κων. Λεβέντηn

Artist: Unknown

Location: Michalakis Karaolis street, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Konstantinos Leventis was a benefactor. No further information is available on the monument.


Nikos Kranidiotis (Νίκος Κρανιδιώτης) bust

Προτομή Νίκου Κρανιδιώτη (1)n Προτομή Νίκου Κρανιδιώτη (4)n

Artist: Konstantinos Paleologos 

Location: Pankyprio high school, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Pentelic marble

Dimensions: > 2 meters

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nikos Kranidiotis was a diplomat, an educator and a writer. The initiative for the bust was taken by Nikos Kranidiotis family and the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle (ΣΙΜΑΕ/SIMAE). The unveiling took place on December 11th 2008. 

“Pankyprio Gymnasium” (Pan Cypriot) was founded by Archbishop Kyprianos in 1812 and is the oldest high school in Cyprus. Its initial name was “Greek School” until 1896.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), July 31, 2002, p. 26.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.94.7, documents August 31, 2006; October 30, 2006.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2008.10, document January 15, 2009.


Nikolaos Katalanos (Νικόλαος Καταλάνος) bust

Προτομή Νικόλαου Καταλάνου (2)n Προτομή Νικόλαου Καταλάνου (4)n

Artist: Ioannis Notaras

Location: Eleftherias square, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: > 2 meters

Category: Union (énosis),  Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Katalanos was Greek but lived in Cyprus for many years being a firm supporter of enosis (union) with Greece ideology. He was an educator, a journalist and a publicly active figure. The initiative for the bust was taken in 1954 by an ad hoc private committee of Katalanos’ colleagues and students from the Pan-Cypriot high school (Pankyprio Gymnasium).

The bust is standing on a tall, fluted column, upon on a square basis. Both were sculpted in Greece. Although they were finished by the end of 1955, their shipment to Cyprus was delayed notably, possibly because of the political upheavals due to EOKA 1955-59 struggles. The unveiling took place on September 25th 1960 and became an occasion for nationalist celebrations.

Selected sources:
~ Kypros), May 24, 1954, p. 1.
~ Kypros), January 1, 1959, p. 4.
~ Haravgi, September 27, 1960, p. 2.
~ Matthopoulou, Evangelia. 2012. «Μνημεία, Προτομές και Ανδριάντες στο Δήμο Λευκωσίας» (“Monuments, busts and statues in Nicosia Municipality”), Φιλολογική Κύπρος 2009-2011 (Philoloyiki Kypros 2009-2011), Nicosia: Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus.


Konstantinos Spyridakis (Κωνσταντίνος Σπυριδάκις) bust

Προτομή Κωνσταντίνου Σπυριδάκι (1)n Προτομή Κωνσταντίνου Σπυριδάκι (2)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: Pankyprio high school, Nicosia. Nicosia district 

Dimensions: 2.5 meters

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Konstantinos Spyridakis had been  a distinct personality in the Cypriot intellectual society. He was the founder and the president of the Greek Cultural Association in Cyprus (Ελληνικός Πνευματικός Όμιλος Κύπρου). The Association was founded in 1947 and was very active in literature publications, events supporting the dissemination of Greek culture and the enosis (union) with Greece ideology.

The initiative for the bust was taken by the Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus (ΕΠΟΚ/EPOK) and the “Stasinos” association of Greek philologists. The unveiling took place on May 18th 2008 on the occasion of 175 years of the “Pankyprio” (Pan Cypriot) high school. “Pankyprio Gymnasium” was founded by Archbishop Kyprianos in 1812 and is the oldest high school in Cyprus. Its initial name was “Greek School” until 1896.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), May 19, 1988, p. 3. 


Ioannis Vergopoulos (Ιωάννης Βεργόπουλος) bust

Προτομή Ιωάννη Βεργόπουλου (2)n Προτομή Ιωάννη Βεργόπουλου (5)n

Artist: Andreas Thymopoulos 

Location: Pankyprio high school, Nicosia. Nicosia district 

Material: Marble 

Dimensions: > 2 meters

Category: Public Figures, Union (énosis), Public sculpture before 1960 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Ioannis Vergopoulos had been the main benefactor of the “Pankyprio Gymnasium” which was founded by Archbishop Kyprianos in 1812. It is the oldest high school in Cyprus and the initial name was “Greek School” until 1896. The initiative for his bust was taken in 1932 by the Pankyprio (Pan Cypriot) high school and the Greek Institutions of Nicosia Board. The unveiling took place on January 31st 1934

Selected sources:
~ Έθνος (Ethnos), November 26, 1932, p. 4. 
~ Πρωινή (Proini), November 11, 1932, p. 4. 
~ Πρωινή (Proini), November 16, 1932, p. 3. 
~ Πρωινή (Proini), January 8, 1933, p. 1. 


Themistoklis Dervis (Θεμιστοκλής Δέρβης) bust

Θεμιστοκλής Δέρβης (1)n Θεμιστοκλής Δέρβης (4)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Nicosia City Hall. Nicosia district

Material: Marble

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Themistoklis Dervis has been the Mayor of Nicosia from 1929 to1946 and from 1949 to 1959. The initiative for the memorial was taken by Nikos Karydis, who was an employee of the Nicosia Municipality and Dervis’ close friend. The unveiling took place on November 27th 1993.

Selected sources:
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), November 28, 1993, p. 12.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.1, documents October 9, 1981; October 13, 1981; February 28, 1983.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.5, documents April 15, 1989; June 27, 1989; August 31, 1989.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.6, documents June 16, 1972; September 14, 1989; April 30, 1991.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.7, documents May 14, 1991; December 19, 1991;Meeting Minutes July25, 1991;
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.9, document November 5, 1993.


Doros Loizos (Δώρος Λοΐζος) bust

 Δώρος Λοΐζου (1)n Δώρος Λοΐζου (2)n

Artist: Nikolaos Kotziamanis 

Location: Crossroads of Kaniggos and Stasinou streets, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze 

Category: Public Figures, Political assassinations

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Doros Loizos was a poet and an active member of EDEK (ΕΔΕΚ) political party. He was murdered right after the coup, on August 30, 1974, not far from where his bust is placed. 

The initiative for his bust was taken by the London Socialist-Democratic Movement of Cyprus (ΕΔΕΚ/EDEK). The unveiling took place on August 30th 1985.

On the pedestal is written: “Anyway we will resist them; No matter who they are, no matter how powerful they are” (Πάντως εμείς θα τους αντισταθούμε. Όποιοι και νάναι, όσο δυνατοί και νάναι).

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.2, document October 29, 1984.


Dionysios Solomos (Διονύσιος Σολωμός) bust

Προτομή Διονύσιου Σολωμού- νέα πλατεία Σολωμού (1)n Προτομή Διονύσιου Σολωμού- νέα πλατεία Σολωμού (12)n

Artist: Ioannis Notaras 

Location: Dionysios Solomos square, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 3.50 meters approx. 

Category: Public Figures, Union (énosis), Public art before 1960

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Solomos (1798-1857) is regarded as the national Greek poet. His poems are constantly referring to the aspired freedom of the enslaved Greek nation and to the Greek War of Independence (1821). One of his poems, the “Hymn to Liberty” written in 1823 became the Greek national anthem in 1865. Solomos is considered as the Cypriot national poet, too, as, officially since 1966 Cyprus shares the same national anthem with Greece.

The initiative for the bust was taken by the Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus (ΕΠΟΚ/EPOK), which coordinated the fundraising. The bust was placed at Ipirou square, on one of the entrances to the old city of Nicosia, and the unveiling took place on June 20th 1954. Over the years and because of the monument’s presence, the square became known as Solomos square. On November 4th 2011 the square underwent an extensive renovation and was officially renamed as Solomos square.

The bust is standing on a tall slender, fluted column, upon a round basis. In front of it and on dark marble panels inserted in the pavement, are engraved Solomos’ verses. 

The timing of the unveiling, at the very beginning of the official EOKA struggle, created an opportunity for national fervor in support of the énosis (union) ideology.  

Selected sources:
~ Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), March 12, 1954, p. 2.
~ Έθνος (Ethnos), May 7, 1952, p. 2.
~ Έθνος (Ethnos), April 1, 1954, p. 2.
~ Έθνος (Ethnos), April 15, 1954, p. 1.
~ Έθνος (Ethnos), June 22, 1954, p. 1.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), October 12, 2011.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.18, document October 29, 2008; Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2008.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.19, Meeting Minutes February 19, 2009.
~ Matthopoulou, Evangelia. 2012. «Μνημεία, Προτομές και Ανδριάντες στο Δήμο Λευκωσίας» (“Monuments, busts and statues in Nicosia Municipality”), Φιλολογική Κύπρος 2009-2011 (Philoloyiki Kypros 2009-2011), Nicosia: Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus.


Dimosthenis Mitsis (Δημοσθένης Μιτσής) bust

Προτομή Δημοσθένη Μιτσή (4)n OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Dimosthenis Mitsis Building courtyard, Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Category: Public Figures

Photography Evangelia Matthopoulou

Dimosthenis Mitsis was the founder and major benefactor of the Mitsi Lethymno School. The school was founded in 1912. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Mitsi School board on the occasion of 90 years since the establishment of the school. The unveiling took place on May 21st 2003.


Dimitris Lipertis (Δημήτρης Λιπέρτης) bust

Δημήτρης Λιπέρτης (3)n Δημήτρης Λιπέρτης (4)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: Chrysalliniotissa Municipal Garden, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Copper

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Dimitris Lipertis was a Cypriot poet. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus (ΕΠΟΚ/ΕPΟΚ) who coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on April 21st 1963.

Selected sources:
~ Αγών (Agon), December 16, 1961, p. 8.
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), January 11, 1962, p. 5.
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), April 6, 1963, p. 5. 
~ Matthopoulou, Evangelia. 2012. «Μνημεία, Προτομές και Ανδριάντες στο Δήμο Λευκωσίας» (“Monuments, busts and statues in Nicosia Municipality”), Φιλολογική Κύπρος 2009-2011 (Philoloyiki Kypros 2009-2011), Nicosia: Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus.


Vladimiros Kafkaridis (Βλαδίμηρος Καυκαρίδης) bust

Προτομή Βλαδίμηρου Καυκαρίδη (3)n Προτομή Βλαδίμηρου Καυκαρίδη (5)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Municipality Garden of Peace, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 178 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Vladimiros Kafkaridis was a Cypriot actor. The initiative for the bust was taken by an ad hoc private committee for the memorial, which coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on November 5th 1993.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), October 19, 1993, p. 8. 
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.8, document May 17, 1993.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.9, document September 9, 1993.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust

Προτομή Αρχ. Μακαρίου Γ' (1)n Προτομή Αρχ. Μακαρίου Γ' (7)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Saint Savvas church yard, old city of Nicosia. Nicosia district.

Dimensions: 165 cm (+17 cm the pedestal) x 59 cm x 59 cm

Category: Cypriot Church, EOKA 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned by the church committee of Saint Savvas. On the basis, in front of the bust is written: “We do not forget our enslaved villages and towns. We do not forget our enslaved land on which our altars and homes are built and in them our parents and ancestors are buried” (Δεν ξεχνούμε τα σκλαβωμένα χωριά και τις πόλεις μας. Δεν ξεχνούμε τους σκλαβωμένους τόπους που πάνω τους είναι κτισμένοι οι βωμοί και οι εστίες μας και μέσα τους είναι θαμμένοι οι γονιοί και οι πρόγονοί μας). 


Antonios Theodotou (Αντώνιος Θεοδότου) bust

Προτομή Αντώνιου Θεοδότου (1)n Προτομή Αντώνιου Θεοδότου (3)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Agios Antonios elementary school, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 193 cm x 59 cm x 51 cm

Category: Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Antonios Theodotou was a doctor and one of the major benefactors of Nicosia’s schools. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Nicosia Schools Board. The unveiling took place on January 30th 1936.

Selected sources:
~ Φωνή της Κύπρου (Foni tis Kyprou), March 24, 1934, p. 2.


Andis Pernaris (Άντης Περνάρης) bust

Άντης Περνάρης (1)n Άντης Περνάρης (3)n

Artist: Nikos Dymiotis

Location: Nehru Avenue, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 137 cm x 52 cm x 34 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Andis Pernaris was a poet, a journalist and a teacher. His real name was Andreas Pavlidis. His bust is aimed at promoting his identity as a poet. For this reason on the pedestal are engraved four verses commenting the fame after death and the importance of noble deeds.

The initiative for the bust was taken in 1985 by Pernaris’ sister, Dimitra Pavlidou, who commissioned the bust, and Nikos Panayiotou, officer of the Ministry of Culture. The unveiling took place on January 22nd 1986.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.1, documents June 27, 1984; August 22, 1984. 
~ Matthopoulou, Evangelia. 2012. «Μνημεία, Προτομές και Ανδριάντες στο Δήμο Λευκωσίας» (“Monuments, busts and statues in Nicosia Municipality”), Φιλολογική Κύπρος 2009-2011 (Philoloyiki Kypros 2009-2011), Nicosia: Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus.


Kostas Montis (Κώστας Μόντης) and Marios Tokas (Μάριος Τόκας) busts

Κώστας Μόντης και Μάριος Τόκας (1)n

Κώστας Μόντης και Μάριος Τόκας (4)n Κώστας Μόντης και Μάριος Τόκας (2)n

Artist: Giorgos Mavroyenis 

Location: Stasinou Avenue, Photos Photiades Business Building, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 143 cm x 43 cm x 44 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for both busts was taken by Photos Photiades Scientific and Cultural Institution who coordinated the fundraising. Kostas Montis was a renowned Cypriot poet. The unveiling of his bust took place on July 30th 2007. The composer Marios Tokas, with Cypriot origins from Limassol, lived in Greece where he had a significant presence since the end of the 1970s. Tokas became very popular through his work with renowned Cypriot and Greek poets. The unveiling of his bust took place two years later, on September 16th 2009.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/9, document June 9, 2005. 
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.17, document April 27, 2004.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.19, document March 10, 2009; March 20, 2009; August 25, 2009.


Memorial to Sophia Vempo (Σοφία Βέμπω)

 Σοφία Βέμπο (1)n Σοφία Βέμπο (4)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: Chrysaliniotissa Municipal Garden, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Polyester Resim, marble

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Sofia Vembo was the Greek singer whose songs accompanied the battles of Greeks at the Albanian front during the Second World War. Her voice is regarded as emblematic in contemporary Greece. Placed only a few meters from the Green Line in the old Nicosia city, her presence acquires a clear political symbolic meaning, and becomes a reminder to ethnic duties.

The initiative for the memorial was taken by Petros Stylianou, Andreas Petasis, Photos Photiades and was funded by Carlsberg company. The unveiling took place on May 30th 1980.


Kostis Palamas (Κωστής Παλαμάς) bust

Κωστής Παλαμάς (1)n Κωστής Παλαμάς (2)n

Artist: Vasos Falireas 

Location: Museum Avenue, next to the Nicosia Municipal Theatre, Nicosia. Nicosia district

Material: Copper

Category:  Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Kostis Palamas (1859-1943) is ranked among the most prominent Greek poets of the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. EPOK’s initiative was in array with its ideology and activities that encourage the promotion and cementing of Greek, ancient and contemporary, culture in Cyprus.

Τhe initiative for the monument was taken in 1972 by the Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus (EΠOK/EPOK). The unveiling took place on February 27th 1974. The work was commissioned to the Greek sculptor Vasos Falireas by Makarios III. Falireas made an identical monument in marble for the Athens Municipality Cultural Center and the unveiling took place on March 7th 1975. 

 Selected sources:
~ Αγών (Agon), February 23, 1974, p. 1. 
~ Τα Νέα (Ta Nea), March 1, 1974.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), February 28, 1974, p. 1, 8. 
~ Matthopoulou, Evangelia. 2012. «Μνημεία, Προτομές και Ανδριάντες στο Δήμο Λευκωσίας» (“Monuments, busts and statues in Nicosia Municipality”), Φιλολογική Κύπρος 2009-2011 (Philoloyiki Kypros 2009-2011), Nicosia: Hellenic Intellectual Association of Cyprus.


Nikolaos P. Lanitis (Νικόλαος Π. Λανίτης) statue

Ανδριάντας Νικόλαου Π. Λανίτη (3)n Ανδριάντας Νικόλαου Π. Λανίτη (5)n

Artist: Antonis Sohos 

Location: Lanitio high scool, Limassol. Limassol district

Material: Marble

Category: Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nikolaos Lanitis (1872-1952) funded the new premises of Lanitio high school in 1945 and 1948. The initiative for his bust was taken by the Limassol Greek School Supervision. The unveiling took place on December 1st 1957.

Selected sources:
~ Παρατηρητής (Paratiritis), December 5, 1957, p. 6. 
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue

Ανδριάντας Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (3)n

Artist: Nikolaos Kotziamanis

Location: Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Limassol. Limassol district

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

In 2002, an ad hoc private committee was in place coordinating negotiations with the authorities with regard to a memorial dedicated to Makarios III. After a period of five years, in 2007 the Pan Cypriot Association of Democratic Partisans took the initiative to bring the project to fruition. The unveiling took place on August 2nd 2007 on the occasion of 30 years since his death.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λεμεσού (Limassol Municipality Archive), 15.3.01, documents May 24, 2007; July 5, 2002; March 8, 2007; July 25, 2007.
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/13, documents January 31, 2007; May 18, 2007; June 12, 207; June 15, 2007; July 2, 2007.


Memorial to Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’)

P1100116n P1100117n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: First Limassol Technical School, Limassol. Limassol district

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

An initiative to commemorate Archbishop Makarios III was taken by the Technical School Professors’ Association in 1977, the year of his death. A stele with his portrait in bas relief was placed in 1978 inside the school yard.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), August 30, 1977, p. 1.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), march 2, 1995, p. 3. 
~ Savvidis Christakis, Περιδιαβάζοντας τη Λεμεσό (Strolling around Limassol). Limassol Municipality: 1991.


Theodosis Pieridis (Θεοδόσης Πιερίδης) bust

Προτομή Θεοδόση Πιερίδη (4)n Προτομή Θεοδόση Πιερίδη (7)n

Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos 

Location: Kostas Misiaoulis Street, Tseri. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 141 cm x 44 cm x 34 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Theodosis Pieridis was a poet. The initiative for the bust was taken in 2006 and the unveiling took place on June 17th 2007.


Pavlos Xioutas (Παύλος Ξιούτας) bust

Παύλος Ξιούτας (1)n Παύλος Ξιούτας (5)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Pavlos Xioutas Park, Engomi. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 130 cm (the pedestal)

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Pavlos Xioutas was a renowned educator. The initiative for the bust was taken by Fotos Fotiadis Institution, and the Engomi Municipality. The unveiling took place on June 28th 1994.

On the pedestal is written: “Your immortality starts with your death and it will continue to exist as long as people remember your virtues and your deeds in this life” (Από το θάνατό σου αρχίζει η αθανασία σου που θα στέκει όσο οι άνθρωποι θα θυμούνται την αρετή και τα έργα σου στη ζωή).

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), June 29, 1994, p. 3.


Spyros Kyprianou (Σπύρος Κυπριανού) bust

Σπύρος Κυπριανού (2)n Σπύρος Κυπριανού (11)n

 Artist: Panayiotis Panayi Pasantas 

Location: Griva Digeni Avenue and A. Haliou St., Engomi. Nicosia district.

Material: Copper

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Spyros Kyprianou served as the second President of the Republic of Cyprus (1977-1988). In 2004 the Engomi Democratic Party Committee (DIKO) and the Engomi Municipality, commissioned his memorial. The unveiling took place on October 29th 2007.

On a plaque next to the Bust is written: “My vision and my purpose in life is to see our people live in freedom, to determine the land and manage the future. My vision is to ramble free every inch of my homeland without facing foreign troops, and fear of war ” (Όραμα και σκοπός της ζωής μου είναι να δω το λαό μας ελεύθερο να διαφεντεύει τον τόπο του και να ορίζει το μέλλον του. Όραμά μου είναι να περιδιαβάζω ελεύθερος κάθε σπιθαμή της πατρίδας μου χωρίς την παρουσία ξένων στρατών και το φόβο του πολέμου).

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/10, document November 29, 2005.
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/13, document March 14, 2007.


Nikos Kranidiotis (Νίκος Κρανιδιώτης) bust

Νίκος Κρανιδιώτης (1)n Νίκος Κρανιδιώτης (4)n

Artist: Giorgos Kalakallas 

Location: Adjacent to Engomi 1st elementary school. Nicosia district 

Dimensions: 157 cm (the pedestal)

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nikos Kranidiotis was a diplomat, an educator and a writer. The bust was commissioned in 1998 by the author Andreas Tsouras as an offer to the Kranidiotis’ family. The unveiling took place on January 8th 2001 and during the same ceremony the Municipality Park was renamed as Nikos Kranidiotis Park.

On the pedestal is written: “We will stand on this land where we were born, keeping alive the memory of our ancestors; with love for our descendants; and a blissful serenity inside us” (Θα σταθούμε στη γη που μας γέννησε με τη μνήμην εκείνων που διάβηκαν, την αγάπη για κείνους που θα’ρθουνε και τη θεία γαλήνη στα σπλάχνα μας).

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), January 9, 2001, p. 4.


Yiannis P. Groutas (Γιάννης Π. Γρούτας) bust

Προτομή Γιάννη Π. Γρούτα (1)n Προτομή Γιάννη Π. Γρούτα (3)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Dali. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 157cm x 44~114 cm x 44~114 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Groutas was the first Mayor of Dali. The initiative for the bust was taken by the Dali Municipality Board. The unveiling took place on October 22nd 2000.


Vasilis Michaelides (Βασίλης Μιχαηλίδης) bust

Προτομή Βασίλη ΜΙχαηλίδη (3)n Προτομή Βασίλη ΜΙχαηλίδη (9)n

Artist: Kyriakos Kallis 

Location: Helioupoli Municipality Park, Dali. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 146 cm x 58~78cm x 48~69 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Vasilis Michaelides was a poet. The initiative was taken in 2000 by the Dali Municipality Board and the unveiling took place on October 13th 2011.


Memorial to the dead Policemen

Artist: George Kyriacou

Location: Police Headquarters, Lemesou Avenue, Aglandjia. Nicosia district

Category: Public Figures, Inter-communal conflicts 1963-64, 1974 Coup, Turkish Invasion, Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial was funded by the Cypriot policemen. It was commissioned in 1968 and was delivered in 1973. The unveiling took place on April 15th 1973.

According to the art competition call it should depict: “the exacerbation of the sacrificial spirit of the dead Policemen”. According to the artist George Kyriacou “the two gigantic hemispheres assimilate to two gigantic police helmets and constitute the basis of the monument. They balance in a subtle way implying policemen’s difficult task to safeguard and keep in balance the counterweighing social and political forces”.

The same symbolisms are attributed to the vertical brass construction.

Selected sources:
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968, Meeting Minutes December 30, 1969.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue


Artist: Andros Kazamias

Location: Police Headquarters, Lemesou Avenue, Aglandjia. Nicosia district

Material: Stone

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Adrienne Christiansen

The initiative for the statue of Makarios III was taken by the Police Associations and was commissioned in 1985 after a competition call. The cost was covered by fundraising among the Cypriot Police force members. The unveiling took place on June 18th 1992

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), March 24, 1985, p. 2.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), January 19, 1992, p. 20.
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/4, competition call document; Meetings Minutes June 29, 1984; October 18, 1984.
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/6, documents October 13, 2003; July 17, 2003; January 26, 2004.


Memorial to the Benefactors Alexandra N. Iacovidis (Αλεξάνδρα Ν. Ιακωβίδη) and Nikolaos Iacovidis (Νικόλαος Ιακωβίδης)

Μνημείο Ευεργετών (4)n Μνημείο Ευεργετών (5)n Μνημείο Ευεργετών (6)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Saint Nicholaos church, Aglandjia. Nicosia district 

Category: Public Figures, Cypriot Women 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Alexandra and Nikolaos Iakovidis were benefactors. No further information is available.


Cypriot Policeman statue

 Ανδριάντας Κύπριου Αστυνομικού (8)n Ανδριάντας Κύπριου Αστυνομικούn

Artist: Nikolaos Kotziamanis 

Location: Evaggelou Floraki St., Aglandjia. Nicosia district

Material: Brass

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The statue was donated to the Cypriot Police by the artist Nikolaos Kotziamanis. It is dedicated to all policemen who did their duty serving their fellow citizens. The unveiling took place on October 27th 2010.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust

Προτομή Μακαρίου (2)n Προτομή Μακαρίου (5)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides

Location: Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, in front of Saint Prodromos church, Mesa Geitonia. Limassol district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 185 cm x 57 cm x 60 cm

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the bust was taken by the Mesa Geitonia national-popular association which coordinated the fundraising. It was placed in 1979.

Selected sources:

~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), October 21, p. 12.


Frixos Dimitriou (Φρίξος Δημητρίου) bust

Φρίξος Δημητρίου (1)n Φρίξος Δημητρίου (3)n

Artist: Yiannis Parmakelis 

Location: Panayia Faneromeni Church, Pano Platres. Limassol district 

Dimensions: 153 cm (+ 20 cm +14 cm steps) x 40 cm x 34 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Frixos Dimitriou was a benefactor. The bust was completed in 1972. No further information is available. 


Ioannis Christophorou (Ιωάννης Χριστοφόρου) bust

Προτομή Παπά Ιωάννη Χριστοφόρου (2)n Προτομή Παπά Ιωάννη Χριστοφόρου (5)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Parekklisia. Limassol district

Dimensions: 151 cm x 74 cm x 75 cm

Category: Public Figures, Cypriot Church

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Ioannis Christoforou was a benefactor. The initiative was taken by the Parekklisia community and the bust was placed in 2009.


Dimosthenis Mitsis (Δημοσθένης Μιτσής) bust

Προτομή Δημοσθένη Μιτσή (2)n Προτομή Δημοσθένη Μιτσή (4)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos

Location: “Mitsi” School for Commerce premises, Lemithou. Limassol district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 141 cm (+ 43cm the steps) x 36 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken by the “Mitsi” school management board with an aim to commemorate 90 years since the School was founded. The bust was placed in 2003.


Archimandrite Ieronymos Myriantheas (Αρχιμανδρίτης Ιερώνυμος Μυριανθέας) bust

 Προτομή Αρχιμανδρίτη Ιερώνυμου Μυριανθέα (3)n Προτομή Αρχιμανδρίτη Ιερώνυμου Μυριανθέα (5)n

Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos 

Location: Primary school yard, Kaminaria. Limassol district 

Dimensions: 177 cm x 54 cm x 41 cm

Category: Public Figures, Cypriot Church

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken by an ad hoc private committee for the memorial. The bust was made in 1997 and the unveiling took place on November 1st 1998.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), November 7, 1998, p. 8.


Kostas M. Pyrros (Κώστας Μ. Πύρρος) bust

Κώστα Μ. Πύρρος (1)n Κώστα Μ. Πύρρος (2)n

Artist: Unknown 

Location: “Pyrrios” Library premises, Asgata. Limassil district 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 147 cm (+ 24 cm the step) x 50 cm x 40 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Kostas Pyrros was a benefactor. The initiative for the bust was taken by the family of Kostas Pyrros. No further information is available.


Memorial to Apeiteios School benefactors

P1060237n xxn

Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos 

Location: “Apeitios” school, Agros. Limassol district 

Material: Brass

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial is dedicated to Ioannis Kliridis (Ιωάννης Κληρίδης), Nearchos Kliridis (Νέαρχος Κληρίδης), Kleio Apeitou (Κλειώ Απέητου). The initiative was taken by the Agros School Supervision and the unveiling took place on November 15th 1998.


Nearchos Kliridis (Νέαρχος Κληρίδης) bust

Νέαρχος Κληρίδης (2)n Νέαρχος Κληρίδης (6)n

Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos

Location: Agros. Limassol district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 137 cm x 45 cm x 34 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nearchos Kliridis was a teacher, writer and a scholar of folklore history. The bust was donated by the Photos Photiadis Foundation and Carlsberg Company. It was made in 1998 and the unveiling took place the following year, on October 10th.

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), February 4, 1999, p. 4.


Kyriakos Apeitos (Κυριάκος Απέητος) bust

Κυριάκος Απέητος (1)n Κυριάκος Απέητος (7)n Κυριάκος Απέητος (10)n

Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos

Location: “Apeitios” school, Agros. Limassol district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 142 cm (+ 16 cm the step) x 66 cm x 44 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Kyriakos Apeitos was the founder of the “Apeitios” school. The initiative for his bust was taken by the Agros School Supervision. The unveiling took place on November 1st 1997.

At the bottom of the pedestal is placed an ossuary with Kyriakos and his wife, Klio, remnants.

Selected sources:
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/16, Meeting Minutes September 16, 1997.


Trooditissa Bishop Epiphanios Aggelidis (Ηγούμενος Τροοδιτίσσης Επιφάνιος Αγγελίδης) bust

Ηγούμενος Τροοδιτίσσης Επιφάνιος (1)n Ηγούμενος Τροοδιτίσσης Επιφάνιος (4)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Bishop Epiphanios square, Agios Amvrosios. Limassol district 

Dimensions: 115 cm x 36 cm x 32 cm

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Bishop Epiphanios Aggelidis had founded the first elementary school at Agios Amvrosios village. The initiative was taken by the Agios Amvrosios community board and the unveiling took place on November 22nd 2009.


The call for Peace

Το σάλπισμα της Ειρήνης (6) n OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Artist: Nikolas Pavlopoulos 

Location: Larnaka Municipality Garden. Larnaka district. 

Material: Brass 

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The sculpture was donated by the family of the sculptor Nikolas through the “Rotary” club of Glyfada Municipality, Athens, in memory of the sculptor. An identical artwork is situated at Glyfada, in the square of the old Town Hall. The unveiling took place on March 17th 1995. 


Filios Zannetos (Φίλιος Ζαννέτος) bust

Προτομή Φίλιου Ζαννέτου (1) n

Προτομή Φίλιου Ζαννέτου (2) n

Artist: Ioannis Notaras 

Location: Griva Digeni Avenue, in front of Agios Georgios Kontos monastery, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble 

Category: Union (enosis), Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Zannetos was a politician and a fervent supporter of ‘enosis’ (union) with Greece ideology. The bust was commissioned by Kition monastery and the committee of Agios Georgios Kontos monastery. The unveiling took place on May 30th 1954. 

Selected sources:
~Ανεξάρτητος (Anexartitos), May 31, 1954, p. 1
~Έθνος (Ethnos), May 11, 1954, p. 4
~Έθνος (Ethnos), June 1, 1954, p. 4.
~Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), June 1, 1954, p. 1.
~Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), June 3, 1954, p. 2. 
~Κύπρος (Kypros), May 31, 1954, p. 1.


Tefktros Anthias (Τεύκρος Ανθίας) bust

Προτομή Τεύκρου Ανθία (1) n Προτομή Τεύκρου Ανθία (4) n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Larnaka Municipality Garden. Larnaka district. 

Material: Brass 

Dimensions: 157 cm x 49 cm x 50 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography:Evangelia Matthopoulou

Tefktros Anthias (1903-1968) was a Cypriot poet. His bust was commissioned by AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People) and the unveiling took place on December 1st 1999.


Konstantinos Kalogeras (Κωνσταντίνος Καλογεράς) bust

Προτομή Κωνσταντίνου Καλογερά (6) n

Προτομή Κωνσταντίνου Καλογερά (11) n

Artist: Georgios Bonanos

Location: Kalogera elementary school yard, Konstantinou Kalogera St., Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Pentelic marble

Category: Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned in 1925 by the Larnaka Schools Committee. Konstantinos Kalogeras was a wealthy merchant from Alexandria, Egypt. Along with his brother they funded the building of two schools at Larnaka during the 1920s. 


Evriviadis Antoniadis (Ευρυβιάδης Αντωνιάδης) bust

Προτομή Ευριβιάδη Αντωνιάδη (2) n Προτομή Ευριβιάδη Αντωνιάδη (4) n

Artist: Unknown 

Location: Acropolis square, adjacent to the Evriviadio high school, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Dimensions: 144 cm (+20 cm the step) x 55 cm x 56 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was made in Italy after the initiative of Larnaka Schools Committee in 1986. Antoniadis was a renowned Cypriot benefactor.


Dimitris Dimitriou (Δημήτρης Δημητρίου) bust

Προτομή Δημήτρη Δημητρίου (3) n Προτομή Δημήτρη Δημητρίου (4) n

Artist: Kypros Perdios 

Location: Dimitriios Greek-Christian Hearth, Apostolidou St., larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble 

Dimensions: 171 cm x 35~53 cm x 35~53 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned by the “Apostle Pavlos” Orthodox Christian Fraternity and the unveiling took place on October 25th 1970. Dimitriou was a renowned Cypriot benefactor.


Dimitrakis Dianellos (Δημητράκης Διανέλλος) bust

Προτομή Δημητράκη Διανέλλου (2) n Προτομή Δημητράκη Διανέλλου (4) n

Artist: Unknown 

Location: Dianellios Technical School of  Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble 

Dimensions: 202 cm (+ 38 cm the steps) x 31~43 cm x 31~43 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned by the Diocese of Kition and the unveiling took place on July 7th 1963. Dianellos was a renowned Cypriot benefactor.


Antonis Papadopoulos (Αντώνης Παπαδόπουλος) bust

Προτομή Αντώνη Παπαδόπουλου (3) n Προτομή Αντώνη Παπαδόπουλου (6) n

Artist: Kyriakos Kallis 

Location: Antonis Papadopoulos stadium, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Brass 

Dimensions: 181 cm x 103 cm x 103 cm

Category: ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the bust was taken by “Anorthosis” (Recovery) athletic association, the Papadopoulos’ family and Pavlos Pavlakis. The unveiling took place on January 28th 1998. Before joining the EOKA 1955-59 struggle, Papadopoulos was also an educator and a sports champion.

Selected sources:
~Fileleftheros (Φιλελεύθερος), January 30, 1998.


Fr. Seraphinus Αb Arce Scalinea bust

Προτομή Scalinea Fr. Serafinus Ab Arce (1) n

Artist: Unknown 

Location: Terra Santa church, Petraki Kyprianou Avenue, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble 

Category: Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou 

The bust was commissioned by the Franciscan Fraternity in Cyprus.


Konstantinos Zahariadis (Κωνσταντίνος Ζαχαριάδης) and Stylianos Apostolidis (Στυλιανός Αποστολίδης) busts.

Προτομές Κωνσταντίνου Ζαχαριάδη και Στυλιανού Αποστολίδη (1) n

Προτομή Κωνσταντίνου Ζαχαριάδη n Προτομή Στυλιανού Αποστολίδη n Konstantinos Zahariadis                                       Stylianos Apostolidis

Artist: George Kyriacou 

Location: Larnaka “Pan Cypriot” lyceum yard, Grigoris Afxentiou Avenue, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Brass 

Dimensions: 120 cm (+17 cm the step) x 48 cm x 48 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The busts were commissioned by the Larnaka Schools committee and the unveiling took place on December 27th 1970. Zahariadis and Apostolidis were renowned Cypriot benefactors.

Selected sources:
~Αγών (Agon), October 11, 1970, p. 4.
~Τελευταία Ώρα (Teleftea Ora), October 1, 1969, p. 4.


Pavlos Liasidis (Παύλος Λιασίδης) statue

Ανδριάντας Παύλου Λιασίδη (10) n

Ανδριάντας Παύλου Λιασίδη (11) n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Crossroads of Georigios Grivas Digenis Avenue and Agios Georgios Kontos (in the park), Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Brass 

Dimensions: 80 cm x 80 cm x 100 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Pavlos Liasidis (1901-1985) was a Cypriot poet. The initiative for the statue was taken by the Artists’ Union of the Lysi community. The unveiling took place on April 28th 2001.

Although Lysi village is situated in the occupied part of Cyprus, its’ authorities are regularly elected by their ex-inhabitants in the free part of the island. The same policy is applied to all the occupied municipalities and communities.

Selected sources:
~Αγών (Agon), April 24, 1990.
~Χαραυγή (Haravgi), April 21, 1990.
~Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), June 7, 1991.
~Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), October 24, 1995.


Nikolaos Floridis (Νικόλαος Φλωρίδης) statue

Ανδριάντας Νικόλαου Φλωρίδη (2)n

Artist: Unknown 

Location: Faneromenis Avenue, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble 

Dimensions: Natural size 

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The statue was commissioned by the Kition Diocese and it was placed in its current location in 1998. Floridis was a renowned Cypriot sport champion.


Michail Kkasialos (Μιχαήλ Κκάσιαλος) statue

Ανδριάντας Μιχαήλ Κκάσιαλο copy n

Ανδριάντας Μιχαήλ Κκάσιαλου (5)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Dimitriou square, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The statue was commissioned in 2010 by the Assia community. Assia is situated in the occupied part of Cyprus. Nevertheless, all municipalities and communities under occupation function in the free part of the island and their ex-inhabitants elect their local authorities. The unveiling of the monument took place on October 30th 2011. 


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue

Ανδριάντας Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (1) n


Artist: Nikolaos Kotziamanis 

Location: Grigoris Afxentiou Avenue, close to Evriviadio high school, Larnaka. Larnaka district. 

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the statue was taken by the Larnaka School Board. The unveiling of the statue took place on June 13th 1985. A second ceremony to inaugurate the memorial area, after the reconstruction, took place on January 19th 2011. 

Selected sources:
~Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), May 3, 1979, p. 10. 
~Σημερινή (Simerini), June 13, 1985, p. 7.


Michail Georgiou (Μιχαήλ Γεωργίου) bust

Προτομή Μιχαήλ Γεωργίου (1)n

Προτομή Μιχαήλ Γεωργίου (5) n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: Athienou elementary school yard. Larnaka district 

Dimensions: 195 cm x 45 cm x 30 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Athienou School Board took the initiative for the construction of the bust. The memorial was funded by the local church committee. The unveiling took place on June 2nd 1984. Georgiou was a renowned Cypriot benefactor.


Kostas Chatzikakos (Κώστας Χατζηκάκος) bust

Προτομή Κώστα Χατζηκάκου (13)n Προτομή Κώστα Χατζηκάκουn

Artist: Ioannis Trezos 

Location: Aradippou 1st elementary school yard. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 158 cm x 35 cm x 25 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Kostas Chatzikakos was a renowned educator. The bust was commissioned by Miltiadis S. Mihailas. 


Memorial to the Vavla Benefactors

Ευεργέτης (1) n Ευεργέτης n

Artist: Chrysostomos Perdios

Location: Vavla village center. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial is dedicated to Onisiforos Mihailoudis (Ονησίφορος Μιχαηλούδης), Anastasis Chatzigeorgis (Αναστάσης Χ’’ Γεωγής), and Georgios Alexandrou (Γεώργιος Αλεξάνδρου). All three of them were renowned benefactors of the village. The monument was commissioned by the local Community committee, probably in 1982. 

It is noted that X’’ is an abbreviation of Chatzi- in family names.


Christoforos Christoforou (Χριστόφορος Χριστοφόρου) and Eleni Papachristoforou (Ελένη Παπαχριστοφόρου) busts

Προτομές ζεύγους  (3) n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Agiou Alexandrou church yard, Pyrga village. Larnaka district. 

Category: Cypriot Women, Turkish Invasion, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The busts were commissioned by the “Alexandros Papachristoforou” Foundation. Christoforos Christoforou and his wife Eleni were the founders of the “House of the Missing” at Pyrga village.


Efthymios Oratis (Ευθύμιος Οράτης) bust

Προτομή Ευθύμιου Οράτη (2) n

Προτομή Ευθύμιου Οράτη n

Artist: Chrisostomos Perdios 

Location: Ora elementary school yard. Larnaka district. 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 181 cm x 38~48 cm x 38~48 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Efthymios Oratis (1822-1885) was the founder of Oratios School and a major benefactor. His memorial was funded by the Ora Community. 


Vasos P. Chatziioannou (Βάσος Π. Χατζηιωάννου) bust

Προτομή Βάσου Π. Χατζηιωάννου (3)n Προτομή Βάσου Π. Χατζηιωάννου (7)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Pedoulas Folklore Museum. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 135 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Vasos Chatziioannou was a benefactor. The initiative and commission of the bust was taken by the Chatziioannou family. 


Andreas Ellinas (Ανδρέας Έλληνας) bust

Προτομή Ανδρέα Έλληνα (6)n

Προτομή Ανδρέα Έλληνα (2)n

Artist: Giorgos Mavroyenis 

Location: Byzantine museum, Pedoulas village. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 126 cm x 50 cm x 43 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Andreas Ellinas was a benefactor. The initiative for the bust was taken in 2008 by the Pedoulas’ expatriates union. The unveiling took place on April 20th 2009. 


Archbishop Makarios ΙΙΙ (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue

Ανδριάντας Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' Πεδουλάς (3)n Ανδριάντας Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' Πεδουλάς (4)n

Artist: Nikolaos Kotziamanis 

Location: Pedoulas village center. Nicosia district. 

Material: Bronze 

Dimensions: 3 meters 

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken in 1981 by an ad hoc private committee. The sculptor, Nikolaos Kotziamanis offered his work in gratis. The unveiling took place on August 23rd 1981. 

Selected sources:
~ Κύπρος (Kypros), August 24, 1981, p. 1.
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/3, document May 10, 1979.


Damianos Kyriakou (Δαμιανός Κυριάκου) and Kostas Damianou (Κώστας Δαμιανού) busts

Προτομές προέδρων κοινότητας Μιτσερού (1)n Προτομές προέδρων κοινότητας Μιτσερού (3)n

Artist: Giorgos Roussis

Location: Mitsero, amphitheater. Nicosia district.

Dimensions: 92 cm (+17 cm the pedestal) x 58 cm x 36 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Both Kyriakou and Damianou were Presidents of the Mitsero community. The busts were donated in 2009 by the families Damianos Kyriakou and Kostas Damianou.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue


Old location

Ανδριάντας Αρχ. Μακαρίου Γ' Θρονί (5)n 

Artist: Nikolaos Kotziamanis 

Location: Kykkos-Throni area, Panayia Kykkos monastery. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze 

Dimensions: 9.5 x 4.3 x 5.5 meters 

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Adrienne Christiansen & Evangelia Matthopoulou

This oversized statue of Makarios III is also known as “Colossus” or (unofficially) as “BigMac”. Although Kotziamanis was already working on the models in 1979, the whole construction took a long time in preparation and its placement in the Archbishopric yard, in the old city of Nicosia, happened only on July 24th 1987. The initiative for the statue was taken by Archbishop Chrisostomos I, who apparently acted contrary to the wishes of Nicosia Municipality authorities. The statue was supposed to symbolize “the fights for freedom and justice to the citizens of Cyprus; to become inspiration and guidance for the generations to come, so that they continue his work” 

Because “Colossus” location required the displacement and relocation of Archbishop Kyprianos’ bust within the Archbishopric yard, and possibly because of the unavoidable political connotations the statue’s extraordinary size raised, this specific Makarios monument ignited intense controversial debates and extensive press reports. Due to the tension created the initially programmed unveiling for August 3rd was postponed, and eventually cancelled. 

An alternative proposal for the statue to be relocated at Throni area, where Makarios III is buried, was already on the table in the beginning of August 1987. The relocation took place only after Chrisostomos II, the new Archbishop, reopened the issue in 2007. The unveiling at the current location took place on August 3rd 2013. 

The old location images are available here courtesy of Dr. Adrienne Christiansen. 

Selected sources:
~ Αλήθεια (Alithia), July 13, 1987.
~ Αλήθεια (Alithia), July 17, 1987.
~ Αλήθεια (Alithia), September 9, 1987.
~ Επίκαιρη (Epikeri), July 25, 1987.
~ Κήρυκας (Kirykas), July 12, 1987, p. 3.
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), July 11, 1987.
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), July 12, 1987.
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), July 14, 1987.
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), July 16, 1987.
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), July 25, 1987.
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), April 20, 1979, p. 2.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), April 21, 1979, p. 3.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), 27 July, 1987, p. 13.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), July 30, 1987, p. 2.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.1, document February 10, 1981; Meeting Minutes March 23, 1981;
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.2, document July 24, 1987.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.3, documents July 11, 1987; August 27, 1987. August 31, 1987; September 1, 1987; September 7, 1987; September 22, 1987; September 29, 1987.
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Λευκωσίας (Nicosia Municipality Archive), 06-7.5, Meeting Minutes July 22, 1987; September 24, 1987.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust

Προτομή Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (2)n Προτομή Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (8)n

Artist: Nikos Dymiotis 

Location: Morfou Diocese premises, Evrychou village. Nicosia district 

Material: Marble 

Dimensions: 118 cm x 40 cm x 30 cm

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned in 1980 by the Morfou Diocese and the unveiling took place on August 3rd 1983. 


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Ανδριάντας Μακαρίου (7)n Ανδριάντας Μακαρίου (10)n

Artists: Nikolaos Kotziamanis (the statue), Kyriakos Tamanas (the mosaics)

Location: Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Akaki village. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 3.65 meters

Category: Cypriot Church, EOKA 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Makarios’ III statue, standing on a pedestal, is symmetrically flagged by two mosaic walls behind him. The inscription “Peoples who want to live, and who fight to live, do not perish” («Δεν χάνονται οι λαοί που θέλουν να ζήσουν και αγωνίζονται να ζήσουν») specifies in an eloquent way the visual descriptions of the mosaic panels. Both of them narrate in a fragmented synthesis the suffering of the Cypriot people, the wailing and mourning of the mothers and wives, and the despair of the soldiers. The wires and the prison bars create further emotionally charged connotations, adding symbolic value to the pictures. 

The memorial was commissioned by the expatriates from Akaki leaving in London, the Kykkos monastery, the Cypriot government, the Cypriot Archdiocese, and Akaki community. The unveiling took place on October 19th 1986. 

Selected sources:
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), October 19, 1986, p. 20.
~ Φιλελεύθερος, (Fileleftheros), October 19, 1986, p. 1.


Manos Loizos (Μάνος Λοΐζος) bust

Προτομή Μάνου Λοΐζου (5)n Προτομή Μάνου Λοΐζου_n

Προτομή Μάνου Λοΐζου (7)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos

Place: Agioi Vavatsinias village entrance. Larnaka district.

Dimensions: 196 cm x 64~75 cm x 64~75 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned by Agioi Vavatsinias community and the unveiling took place on October 7th 2001.

Manos Loizos, with Cypriot origins on the part of his father, was a renowned Greek composer. On the wall behind the bust are noted four verses that he orchestrated. They make part of a very popular political song of the 1970s in Greece: “The road had its’ own story to tell; somebody wrote it with paint on the wall; it was only one word, freedom; then it was said that kids wrote it” (Ο δρόμος είχε τη δική του ιστορία, κάποιοι την έγραψαν στον τοίχο με μπογιά. Ήταν μια λέξη μοναχά, ελευθερία, κι έπειτα είπαν πως την έγραψαν παιδιά). 


Stelios Kiriakidis (Στέλιος Κυριακίδης) statue

Ανδριάντας Μαραθωνοδρόμου Στέλιου Κυριακίδη (3)n

Ανδριάντας Μαραθωνοδρόμου Στέλιου Κυριακίδη (14)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Statos-Agios Fotios square. Pafos district. 

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Stelios Kiriakidis was a sports champion. It appears from available documentation that the statue was commissioned in 2010.


Nikos Karapatakis (Νίκος Καραπατάκης) bust

Προτομή Νίκου Καραπατάκη (2)n Προτομή Νίκου Καραπατάκη (5)n

Προτομή Νίκου Καραπατάκη (4)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: Polemi high school yard. Pafos district.

Dimensions: 144 cm x 56 cm x 40 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nikos Karapatakis was an educator and a benefactor. His memorial was commissioned by the private committee for Karapatakis memorial and the unveiling took place in 1999.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) statue

Ανδριάντας Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (1)n

Ανδριάντας Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (31)n Ανδριάντας Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (17)n

Artist: Vasos Falireas 

Location: Historical Cultural Center Archbishop Makarios III, Panagia village.

Pafos district. 

Dimensions: 3 meters

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The statue was commissioned by the Panagia Community and the unveiling took place on August 3rd 1982.

Selected sources:
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), December 24, 1980, p. 8.


Konstantinos Fitidis (Κωνσταντίνος Φοιτίδης) bust

Προτομή Κ. Φοιτίδη (2)n Προτομή Κ. Φοιτίδη (5)n

Artist: Alexandros Santis 

Location: Fyti square. Pafos district. 

Dimensions: 138 cm x 66 cm x

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Konstantinos Fitidis was a benefactor. His memorial was commissioned by Kykkos monastery in 2000.


Argyros Drousiotis (Αργυρός Δρουσιώτης) bust

Προτομή Αργυρού Δρουσιώτη (5)n Προτομή Αργυρού Δρουσιώτηn

Προτομή Αργυρού Δρουσιώτη (3)n

ArtistNikolaos Kotziamanis  

LocationDrouseia open ‘theater’. Pafos district.

Dimensions: 146 cm x 57 cm x 57 cm

Category: War Volunteers, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Argyros Drousiotis was an educator and served as volunteer during the Balkan Wars. The memorial was commissioned by expatriates from Drouseia and the unveiling took place in 1986.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust

Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος (4)n Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος (5)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides

Location: Polis Chrysochou high school. Pafos district. 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 183 cm x 43 cm

CategoryCypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned in 1978 by the teachers’ association and the committee of high school student councils. It was exhibited at a Pan Cypriot Art Exhibition which took place in January 1979 and was dedicated to Makarios III. 


Christodoulos Galatopoulos (Χριστόδουλος Γαλατόπουλος) bust

Χριστόδουλος Γαλατόπουλος (4)n

Χριστόδουλος Γαλατόπουλος (5)n

Artist: Nikos Sofialakis

Location: Georgios Grivas Digenis Avenue, opposite the high school,

Pafos Municipality. Pafos district.

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 123 cm x 50 cm x 35 cm

Category: Public Figures, Union (enosis)

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Christodoulos Galatopoulos was a politician, Mayor of Pafos Municipality and a fervent advocate of the enosis (union) with Greece ideology. His bust was commissioned in 1963 by an ad hoc private committee for Christodoulos Galatopoulos bust. The unveiling took place on May 28th 1967.

Selected sources:
Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), February 23, 1963, p. 5.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), April 13, 1963, p. 8.
~ Μάχη (Mahi), March 15, 1963, p. 5.
~ Μάχη (Mahi), May 25, 1967, p. 8.


Kostis Palamas (Κωστής Παλαμάς) bust


Artist: Michalis Tombros 

Location: Kostis Palamas square, Pafos Municipality square. Pafos district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 168 cm x 49 cm x 29 cm

Category: Public Figures, Public sculpture before 1960

Photography: Adrienne Christiansen & Evangelia Matthopoulou

Kostis Palamas (1859-1943) is ranked among the most prominent Greek poets of the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The memorial was commissioned by the Pafos Municipality, during Christodoulos Galatopoulos office. He introduced the first “Kostis Palamas Week” on 20-27 February 1949. The unveiling took place on May 20th 1951.  


Ihsan Ali (Ιχσάν Αλή) bust

Ιχσάν Αλί (1)N Ιχσάν Αλί (4)n

Artist: Kyriakos Kallis

Location: Georgios Grivas Digenis Avenue, behind the Second World War Volunteers’ Memorial, Pafos Municipality. Pafos district.

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 147 cm x 47 cm

Category: Turkish Cypriots, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Ihsan Ali was a Turkish Cypriot doctor and benefactor who defended Cyprus’ right for freedom, democracy and egalitarianism. His bust was commissioned by Ihsan Ali Foundation in 2003. The unveiling took place on November 8th 2003.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Πάφου (Pafos Municipality Archive) 4.98, documents December 7, 2000; June 21, 2001; June 26, 2003; November 11, 2003; Meeting Minutes March 4, 2003.


Iakovos A. Iakovidis (Ιάκωβος Α. Ιακωβίδης) bust

Ιάκωβος Ιακωβίδης (2)n

Ιάκωβος Ιακωβίδης (4)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Pafos’ Municipality Park. Pafos district. 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 155 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Iakovos Iakovidis was a politician. The memorial was commissioned by the Pafos Municipality in the 1990s. 


Dionysios Solomos (Διονύσιος Σολωμός) bust


Διονύσιος Σολωμός (14)n Διονύσιος Σολωμός (17)n

Artist: Vasos Falireas 

Location: Dionysios Solomos square, Georgios Grivas Digenis Avenue,

Pafos Municipality. Pafos district. 

Material: Pentelic marble

Dimensions: 173 cm (+15 cm the basis ) x 51 cm x 37 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Solomos (1798-1857) is regarded as the national Greek poet. His poems are constantly referring to the aspired freedom of the enslaved Greek nation and to the Greek War of Independence (1821). One of his poems, the “Hymn to Liberty” written in 1823 became the Greek national anthem in 1865. Solomos is considered as the Cypriot national poet, too, as, officially since 1966 Cyprus shares the same national anthem with Greece.

The bust was commissioned in 1972 by the Pafos’ Naturalist Group. The unveiling took place on June 2nd 1974. 

Selected sources
Χαραυγή (Haravgi), February 16, 1973, p. 2.  


Loizos Filippou (Λοΐζος Φιλίππου) bust

Λοΐζου και Πασχαλίδης (2)n Φίλιππος Λοΐζου (4)nΦίλιππος Λοΐζου (3)n

Artist: Michalis Tombros

Location: Nikolaidio high school, Georgios Griva Digenis Avenue,

Pafos Municipality. Pafos district.

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 144 cm x 42 cm x 34 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Filippou was a renowned educator. The construction of the bust was an initiative of a private committee for Filippou bust; the Pafos Bishopric; the Pafos’ Municipality; and Nikolaidio high school board. The unveiling took place on December 14th 1975. 

Selected sources
Χαραυγή (Haravgi), October 23, 1965, p. 5.
~ Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), September 30, 1970, p. 5.


Pavlos Pavlidis (Παύλος Παυλίδης) bust

Λοΐζου και Πασχαλίδης (2)n Παύλος Παυλίδης (3)n

Παύλος Παυλίδης (1)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos

Location: Nikolaidio high school, Georgios Griva Digenis Avenue, Pafos Municipality. Pafos district.

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 158 cm x 56 cm x 46 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Pavlidis was a renowned educator. The construction of the bust was an initiative of the committee for the celebrations of 100 years of the Pafos Greek high school; Makarios III Pafos lyceum; and Pafos high school 1964 graduates. According to the call for the competition in 2006, only Cypriot artists were eligible to submit their proposals. The unveiling took place on March 4th 2007.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee), 14.3.01/11, documents November 5, 2004; January 31, 2006; December 11, 2006.


Pashalis Pashalidis (Πασχάλης Πασχαλίδης) bust

Λοΐζου και Πασχαλίδης (2)n

Πασχάλης Πασχαλίδης (2)n

Artist: Marios Garyfalakis 

Location: Nikolaidio high school, Georgios Griva Digenis Avenue,

Pafos Municipality. Pafos district. 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 167 cm x 48 cm x 35 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Pashalidis was an educator. The memorial was commissioned by an ad hoc private committee for Pashalis Pashalidis bust; the Pafos Municipality; Nikolaidio high school board; and Pafos’ Greek unions. The unveiling took place on April 27th 1969. 

Selected sources
Μάχη (Mahi), May 18, 1965, p. 7.
~ Τελευταία Ώρα (Teleftea Ora), April 28, 1969, p. 6. 


Nikolaos Nikolaidis (Νικόλαος Νικολαΐδης) bust

Λοΐζου και Πασχαλίδης (2)n Νικόλαος Νικολαΐδης (4)n

Νικόλαος Νικολαΐδης (1)n

Artist: Unknown

Location: Nikolaidio high school, Georgios Griva Digenis Avenue, Pafos Municipality. Pafos district. 

Material: Pentelic marble

Dimensions: 161 cm x 46 cm x 33 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Nikolaidis was a politician and a renowned benefactor.


Tilemahos Kallonas (Τηλέμαχος Καλλονάς) bust

 Τηλέμαχος Καλλονάς (9)n Τηλέμαχος Καλλονάςn

Artist: Georgios Alexandropoulos

Location: Propylaea of Iakovio high school, Georgios Grivas Digenis Avenue,

Pafos Municipality. Pafos district. 

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 161 cm x 55 cm x 45 cm

Category: Public Figures, Ancient Greek & Byzantine legacy, Public sculpture before 1960

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial was commissioned in 1940 by the ad hoc private committee for T. Kallonas bust with initiative of Loizos Filippou, and Lavrentios, the abbot of Agios Neofytos monastery. Kallonas was a renowned Cypriot educator. The unveiling took place in May 9th 1946. The Prolylaea were made by the sculptor Nikolaos Tsadiotis probably around 1931. 

Selected sources
Πάφος (Pafos), December 8, 1938, p. 3.
~ Πάφος (Pafos), March 14, 1940, p. 2.


Memorial to Archbishop Makarios III and to the dead fighters from Pafos


Artist: Apostolos Fanakidis

Place: Georgios Grivas Digenis Avenue, entrance of Pafos city. Pafos district.

Material: Stone

Dimensions: 5 x 5 meters (the head of Makarios)

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, EOKA 1955-59, Inter-communal conflicts 1963-64, Inter-communal conflicts 1967, 1974 Coup, Turkish Invasion

Photograph: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial was commissioned in 1992 by a private committee for the Makarios III-Resistance Memorial. Around Makarios’ over-sized head a series of plaques bear the names of all the dead fighters from Pafos since 1955. The unveiling took place on June 16th 1996. 

Selected sources
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), December 8, 1991, p. 10.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), November 20, 1994, p. 31.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), June 17, 1996, p. 3. 
~ Αρχείο Δήμου Πάφου (Pafos Municipality Archive), 12.96, documents December 11, 1992; June 8, 1993; June 2, 1994; November 30, 1995; November 6, 1996; November 29, 2006; February 1999; Meeting Minutes December 10, 1992.


Pavlos Liasidis (Παύλος Λιασίδης) bust

1n 3n


Artist: Unknown

Location: Pavlos Liasidis park, Deryneia. Ammochostos district. 

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Pavlos Liasidis was a poet. The commission of the bust was an initiative of AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People). The unveiling of the monument took place on May 10th 1995, ten years after the poet’s death. In addition to the bust, a dedicatory plaque was placed at the entrance of the house where Liasidis lived the last years of his life.

Selected sources
Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), April 19, 1995, p. 19. 
