Tag Archives: Costas Dikefalos (Κώστα Δικέφαλος)

1st Symposium, Limassol

Costas Dikefalosn Giorgos Tsiaras n

              Kostas Dikefalos                                             Giorgos Tsaras

Giorgos Tsiarasn Kyriakos Kallisn

                Giorgos Tsiaras                                                     Kyriakos Kallis

Nikos Kouroussisn Thodoros Papayiannisn

              Nikos Kouroussis                                    Thodoros Papayiannis


1st Sculpture Symposium

 August 1999

 Photography: Vicky Karaiskou & Evangelia Matthopoulou

Five artists, three from Greece and two from Cyprus, participated in the first symposium.

Costas Dikefalos (Greece), “Cultural Wave”
Costas Dikefalos spiral and wavy forms on stone are characteristic of his work. His “Cultural Wave” refers both to the actual dominant element of water of the seafront, and to the primordial dissemination and enrichment of cultures through sea trade and traveling. 

Kyriakos Kallis (Cyprus), “Sculpture installation”

Kallis’ cross-like installation is based on the use of personal symbolisms and is built on successions of metal strips, wavy lamina and stone volumes. The bull head is the only figurative item symbolizing earth and the vital forces. 

Thodoros Papayiannis (Greece), “Binary Unit”
The two in one figures by Papayiannis bear his distinct style of archaic geometry and rigor. Papayiannis’ endeavors in the Mediterranean culture has profoundly influenced his work since the very beginning of his artistic career and turn his human figures into archetypical totems.

Nikos Kouroussis (Cyprus), “Dialogue with time and space”
Kouroussis’ minimal synthesis is based on two minimal geometric forms, a stone cylinder and a stainless metal triangle providing a cryptic interpretation of time and space.

Giorgos Tsaras (Cyprus), “Gates”
The asymmetric and diagonally arranged gates and the intervention of the ramps in Tsaras’ work challenge the actual and symbolic function of the gate as a passage and a threshold that allows the communication between two opposite parts.
