Artist: Leonidas Spanos
Location: Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Lakatamia. Nicosia district
Material: Marble
Category: ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Inter-communal conflicts 1963-64, Turkish Invasion
Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou
The initiative for the memorial was taken by Pano Lakatamia “Grigoris Afxentiou” Democratic union and an ad hoc committee for the memorial who coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on February 16th 1992.
Grigoris Afxentiou’ bust is situated on a tall pedestal and is flanked by a semi-circular marble wall with the names and the black and white photographs of the dead and missing in a time-span of 20 years, from 1954 till 1974 included.
On the pedestal, under his name is noted his nickname as “The Golden Eagle of Machairas” (Ο Σταυραετός του Μαχαιρά).
Selected sources:
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/8, Meeting Minutes July 18, 1991.