Tag Archives: Lanitis Christos (Λανίτης Χρίστος)


Γλυπτό KPMG (3)n Γλυπτό KPMGn

Artist: Christos Lanitis 

Location: KPMG offices, 14 Esperidon St., Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Category: Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

It was commissioned by the Cyprus Branch of KPMG, an international consulting company.


Nicosia Symposium

Genti TavanxhiunBeata Rostasn

        Genti Tavanxhiu                                Beata Rostas

Christos Lanitis n Giorgos Moisisn

                  Christos Lianitis                                     George Moisi

Gonzalezn Petre Petrovn

           Xavier Gonzales                                        Petre Petrov

xn Arne Maelandn

Beatriz Carbonell Ferrer             Arne Maeland

Sculpture Symposium in Nicosia

4-16 April 2011

The symposium was organised by The Friends of Fine Arts and Nicosia Municipality, and was funded by the Ministry of Education. Ten sculptors participated from all over Europe:

Agnessa Petrova and Petre Petrov from Bulgaria, Arlindo Arez from Portugal, Arne Maeland from Norway, Beatriz Carbonell from Spain, Beata Rostas from Hungary, Genti Tavanxhiu from Albania, Xavier Gonzalez from France and George Moisi and Christos Lanitis from Cyprus. The sculptors participated after submitting their proposal to the organizing committee. All of them worked with a piece of at least 2 cubic meters local Cypriot stone. All the works are titled as “Untitled”.

After the conclusion of the symposium most of the artworks were located in various parts of Nicosia city. Nicosia Municipality plans the construction of a sculpture park, possibly in part of the ditch outside the Venetian walls of the old city.  

Artist & location in the city:

Arne Maeland: Crossroads Kennedy and Archbishop Makarios III Avenues.Nicosia

Beata Rostas: Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, opposite Hilton hotel, Nicosia

Beatriz Carbonell Ferrer: 34 Demostheni Severi Avenue, in front of the Embassy of    France building, Nicosia

Genti Tavanxhiu: Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Kaimakli area, Nicosia

Petre Petrov: Presidential Palace Avenue, Nicosia

Xavier Gonzalez: Agiou Andrea Avenue, in front of Evaggelistria Church, Palouriotissa area, Nicosia

Christos Lanitis: Crossroads Nikis and Griva Digeni Avenues, Nicosia


Memorial to the Geri dead and missing

Μνημείο Ηρώων και Αγνοουμένων Γερίου (2)n Μνημείο Ηρώων και Αγνοουμένων Γερίου (5)n

Artist: Christos Lanitis 

Location: Heroes’ square. Geri. Nicosia district

Material: Stone

Category: ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Inter-communal conflicts 1963-64, Turkish Invasion, Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative was taken by the Board of Geri Community. The symbol on top of the low pedestal with the names of dead and missing imitates a flame, although in rather abstract and condensed forms. The flame is the symbol of the fragile and transient nature of life, but also reminiscent of the existence and the spirit of the deceased. In Greek commemorative monuments, either in public places or in cemeteries, the flame (or a torch) is placed on pedestals or stele, on the tombs or on low platforms along with other symbols implicit of the identity and the deeds of the deceased. In some cases, short dictums, or more rarely a bust of the dead, or a bas relief with his/her portrait make part of the commemorative place. 


2nd Symposium, Kato Polemidia

Agnessa Petrovan Ali Al Mahmeedn

Agnessa Petrova                       Ali Al Mahmeed

Andrei V. Balashovn Arlindo Arezn

                                  Andrei V. Balashov                             Arlindo Arez

Christos Lanitisn Miguel Islan

                          Christos Lanitis                                                     Miguel Isla

Petre Petrov (2)n Xavier Gonzalezn

                                     Petre Petrov                                             Xavier Gonzalez

2nd Symposium 

October 10-25, 2009

The second symposium at Kato Polemidia was organized by The Friends of Fine Arts and the Kato Polemidia Municipality. It was funded by the Ministry of Education, the Kato Polemidia Municipality and The Friends of Fine Arts. Ten professional sculptors participated after submitting their proposals to the organizing committee. All of them worked with a piece of at least 2 cubic meters local stone. All the works are titled as “Untitled”. 

The participant sculptors were: Agnessa Petrova from Bulgaria, Ali Al Mahmeed from Bahrain, Andrei V. Balashov from Russia, Arlindo Arez from Portugal, Miguel Isla from Spain, Daniel Jones from England, Obai Hattoum from Syria, Xavier Gonzalez from France, Petre Petrov from Bulgaria, Christos Lanitis from Cyprus. 

After the conclusion of the symposium the works by Miguel Isla and Christos Lanitis were placed at Kale Vounari location, with the sculptures from the first symposium. The sculptures by Agnessa Petrova, Ali Al Mahmeed, Andrei V. Balashov, Arlindo Arez, Xavier Gonzalez and Petre Petrov (who participated in both symposiums) are placed at a road junction on Pafou Avenue, in the Kato Polemidia town.
