Tag Archives: Linou-Flasou (Ληνού-Φλάσου)

Andreas Zakos (Ανδρέας Ζάκος) and Georgios Antoniou (Γεώργιος Αντωνίου) busts

Andreas Zakosn Georgios Antonioun  Andreas Zakos                                                 Georgios Antoniou

Προτομές Γεώργιου Αντωνίου και Ανδρέα Ζάκου (ΕΟΚΑ 55-59) (1)n

Artist: George Kyriacou

Location: On Linou-Flasou road. Nicosia district.

Dimensions: 163 cm x 57 cm x 53 cm

Category: EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for both busts was taken in 1974 by “Amyna” athletic union. However and according to a press clip, the bust of A. Zakos was unveiled on August 16th 1959. Given that both current busts are of very similar style and dimensions, it is probable that the old bust of Zakos was replaced or rearranged within the shared commemorative place created for the two fighters.

Selected sources: 
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), August 18, 1959, p. 2.
