Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos
Location: Community square, Prodromos. Limassol district
Category: Cypriot Church
Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou
The initiative for the memorial was taken by the inhabitants of Prodromos village and the Prodromos friends’ association, the Morfou Archbishopric and the Prodromos community committee funded the construction.
The portraits of the four Archiboshops of Cyprus, originated from Prodromos village, are carved on medals and inserted on the commemorative wall. The Archbishops are Makarios I (Μακάριος Α’), Sofronios ΙΙΙ (Σωφρόνιος Γ’), Kyrillos II (Κύριλλος Β’) and Makarios II (Μακάριος Β’).
Adjacent to them is placed a memorial stele for the village dead and missing.
The unveiling took place on June 26th 2011.