Tag Archives: Strovolos Municipality (Δήμος Στροβόλου)

Olympic Hall Sculptures

Alliancen Citius, Altius, Fortiusn                Alliance                                                            Citius, Altius, Fortius

Blue Paralympicsn Boxern                             Blue Paralympics                                                Boxer  

Collective Dreamn Free as the windn                                           Collective Dream                                 Free as the Wind

Japanese Girl with ribbonn    Japanese Girl With Ribbon                                   

Olympic Spiritn Stainless Dreamsn                                                        Olympic Spirit                                 Stainless Dreams

Synchronized SwimmingnWithout an endn      Synchronized Swimming                                    Without an end

Αφανής Αρμονίη (Hidden Harmony) (2)n Αφανής Αρμονίη (Hidden Harmony) (3)n Afanis Armonie                                                            

Αφανής Αρμονίη (Hidden Harmony) (4)n Αφανής Αρμονίη (Hidden Harmony)n Afanis Armonie                                                  

 Γενική όψη του χώρου (5)n General view of Olympic Hall Sculptures

Olympic Hall Sculptures

Olympic premises, Amphipolis Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district

 Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the artworks was taken in 2006 by the Cyprus Olympic Committee. 

Today, twelve artworks made by eleven Cypriot or Cypriot based artists are placed on the ground floor of the Cyprus Olympic premises. All of them refer to the Olympic spirit. In addition to the Cyprus Olympic Committee, each artwork was sponsored by a private entity. 

In front of the Olympic premises is placed Philippos Yiapanis’ Olympic Spirit. The unveiling took place on June 10th 2010. This artwork is the only one commissioned entirely by the Cypriot Olympic Committee.

Title: Alliance

Artist: Theodoulos Gregoriou 

Sponsor: Associations of ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59 fighters 


Title: Synchronized Swimming

Artist: Klitsa Antoniou 

Sponsor: Nikolas K. Shacolas


Title: Free as the Wind

Artist: Maria Papacharalambous 

Sponsor: Aristo Developers


Title: Japanese Girl with Ribbon

Artist: Athina Antoniadou 

Sponsor: Louis Group


Title: Blue Paralympics 

Artist: Lia Lapithi Soukiouroglou 

Sponsor: Amberia Global Ventures Ltd


Title: Stainless Dreams

Artist: Helene Black

Material: Stainless steel 

Sponsor: Strovolos Cooperative Bank 


Title: Citius, Altius, Fortius

Artist: Helene Black

Material: Stainless steel, laminated glass, solar beads, UV fluorescent light

Dimensions: 195 cm x 115 cm x 35cm

Sponsor: Stelios and Chrysi Aggelodimou family

Citius, Altius, Fortius was the ancient Olympic games’ motto for all the athletes. It means Quicker, Higher and Stronger, and underlines the value of personal achievements and completion. 


Title: Afanis Armonie (Αφανής Αρμονίη)

Artist: Nikos Kouroussis 

Sponsor: Laiki Group

The title “Hidden Harmony” (Αφανής Αρμονίη) makes part of Heraclitus’ sayings. Kouroussis artwork attempts to highlight the importance of that ancient Greek value in everyday life.


Title: Boxer 

Artist: Giorgos Kypris 

Sponsor: Laiki Group 

Mohamed Ali was the inspiring model for Giorgos Kypris’ work who attempts to capture the athlete’s rhythm through the repetition of the form. 


Title: Collective Dream

Artist: Melita Couta 

Sponsor: Phanos N. Epiphaniou Ltd 

Melita Kouta’s work comments the power of the social body to encourage the athletes’ efforts. 


Title: Without an end 

Artist: Achilleas Kentonis 

Sponsor: Hellenic Petroleum Cyprus (EKO) Ltd

Kentonis comments the athletic arena as the meeting point of humans’ best intentions and efforts. 


Michalakis Karaolis (Μιχαλάκης Καραολής) bust

Προτομή Μιχαλάκη Καραολή (6)n Προτομή Μιχαλάκη Καραολήn

Artist: George Kyriacou

Location: The English School, Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Dimensions: 2 meters x 38 cm x 38 cm

Category: ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the bust was taken in 1993 by the English School. The bust was delivered in 1995 and the unveiling took place on May 10th 1996.

Michalakis Karaolis and Andreas Dimitriou were the first EOKA fighters who died by hanging in May 1956 at Nicosia central prison.


Kostas Loizou (Κώστας Λοΐζου) bust

Προτομή Κώστα Λοΐζου (3)n Προτομή Κώστα Λοΐζου (5)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos 

Location: Associated Refugee unions’ premises, Hippocratous street, Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Dimensions: 165 cm x 61 cm x 41 cm 

Category: ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the bust was taken by the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 Struggle (SIMAE), who coordinated the fundraising. 

The note: “your body became a candle for freedom” (Λαμπάδα το κορμί σου για τη λευτεριά) on the back of the pedestal insinuates the way of his death.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust

Προτομή Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ' (3)n

Artist: Memos Makris

Place: Kykkos 2nd lyceum, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Dimensions: 156 cm x 46 cm x 31 cm

Category: Cypriot Church, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The unveiling took place on January 19th 1981.


Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) bust


Artist: Nikos Dymiotis

Location: Panayia Chriseleousa Church, Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Material: Marble

Category: Cypriot Church, Public Figures, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the bust was taken in 1981 by the Panayia Chriseleousa church and Strovolos community. The unveiling took place on December 6th 1982.


Archbishop Kyprianos (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Κυπριανός) bust

Αρχιεπίσκοπος Κυπριανός Στρόβολος (1)n Αρχιεπίσκοπος Κυπριανός Στρόβολος (5)n

Artist: Georgios Bonanos 

Location: Panayia Chriseleousa Church, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Marble

Category: Cypriot Church, Public sculpture before 1960

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Archbishop Kyprianos was hanged on July 9th 1821 in Nicosia with the accusation that Cypriots disobeyed the direct order of the Turkish Sultan to stay neutral from the Greek War of Independence.The event marked the beginning of a growing separation between the two cultural and religious communities of the island.

The initiative for the bust was taken by Strovolos community in 1928 on the occasion of 100 years of the Greek state independence. The community authorities coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place in 1929.

Selected sources:
~ Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), July 18, 1928, p. 2.
~ Φωνή της Κύπρου (Foni tis Kyprou), July 21, 1928, p. 3.


Canon Frank Darvall Newham bust

 Προτομή Rev. Canon Newham (4)n Προτομή Rev. Canon Newhamn

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: The English School, Strovolos. Nicosia district.

Dimensions: 143 cm x 58 cm x 57 cm

Category: Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Canon Frank Darvall Newham was the founder and the headmaster of the English School in Nicosia. The bust was commissioned by the English School.


Bishop Ioannis Phoradaris (Ιωάννης Φοραδάρης) and Ioannis Mavridis (Ιωάννης Μαυρίδης) busts

Προτομές Χωρεπισκόπου Ιωάννη Φοραδάρη και Ιωάννη Μαυρίδηn Προτομή Ιωάννη Μαυρίδη (2)n Προτομή Χωρεπισκόπου Ιωάννη Φοραδάρη (1)n

Artist: Andreas Savvides 

Location: Maronite Diocese, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Dimensions: 143 cm x 72 cm x 72 cm 

Category: Maronites, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Bishop Phoradaris was the head of the Maronite community in Cyprus. Ioannis Phoradaris represented the Maronites in the Cypriot Parliament. The busts were commissioned by the Bishop Ioannis Phoradaris Foundation. The unveiling took place on April 21st 2007.



Archbishop Makarios III (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Μακάριος Γ’) and Georgios Grivas Digenis (Γεώργιος Γρίβας Διγενής) busts

Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (1)n Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (2)n Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (3)n Γρίβας και Μακάριος ΣΙΜΑΕ (5)n

Artist: Leonidas Spanos

Location: Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 Struggle (SIMAE) premises, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Bronze

Category: Cypriot Church, ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial was commissioned in 2002 by the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 Struggle (SIMAE) and the unveiling took place on April 13th 2005.

Selected sources:
~ Σημερινή (Simerini), February 17, 2009.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), February 17, 2009.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2008.9, Meeting Minutes April 10, 2008.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2009.10, document March 24, 2009; Meeting Minutes March 12, 2009.


Memorial to the Kythrea dead

Μνημείο Πεσόντων Κυθρεωτών (Χύτρων) (5)n Μνημείο Πεσόντων Κυθρεωτών (Χύτρων) (12)n

Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos

Location: Cultural Athletic union of Kythrea (PAOK) premises, Stavrou Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Category: Turkish Invasion

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The memorial was commissioned by the cultural Athletic union of Kythrea (PAOK) and the unveiling took place on May 2nd 2010. Kythrea community is located in the occupied area but continues to elect its authorities in the free part of the island, as all occupied municipalities and communities still do on a regular basis.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/3, document April 18, 2002.


Memorial to the dead of October 1931 riots

Μνημείο Οκτωβριανών (3)n

Artist: Panayiotis Panayi Pasantas

Location: Grigoris Afxentiou St., Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 2.50 meters 

Category: Union (énosis)

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken by an ad hoc private committee. The unveiling took place on November 3rd 2007.

According to the competition call: “the wining proposal should highlight the sacrificial and fighting spirit, and the passion for freedom. It should express the authentic ideals of October 1931 that led to the spontaneous rebellion of the enslaved Greek Cypriots longing for freedom and official union with Greece”.

Panayiotis Panayi Pasantas in his submitted description notes that his male statue, with the clenched fist and the haughty look, stares to the future with optimism, pride and patriotism calling all Greek Cypriots to line with him, while its height and the surrounding architectural construction impose their presence, underlining these concepts.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/4, July 14, 2002.
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/6, document February 3, 2004.
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/13, January 31, 2007.
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/14, document June 19, 2007.


Memorial to the dead of the “Pharos” union

 Ηρώον Φάρος  (1)n Ηρώον Φάρος  (5)n

Artist: Takis Ilia 

Location: “Pharos” national union premises, Trooditissis and Athalassas streets, Strovolos. Nicosia district    

Material: Marble

Category: Inter-communal conflicts1963-64

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative was taken in 2001 by the “Pharos” national union who coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on January 25th 2003.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/2, document October 12, 2001.


Saint Gregory of Narek (Άγιος Γρηγόριος Ναρεκήνσιος) bust

Άγιος Γρηγόριος Ναρεκήνσιος (1)n

Artist: Levon Tokmadjian

Location: Nareg Armenian School, Armenia Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Sandstone

Category: Armenians

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The unveiling took place on March 24th 1991.

Selected sources:
~ Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra, “Armenian Monuments in Cyprus”, Artsakank, September 2010, p. 15.


Zareh Aznavorian bust

Επίσκοπος Αρμενίων (Ναρέκ) (1)n

Artist: Mgrdich Mazmanian 

Location: Nareg Armenian School, Armenias Avenue, Strovolos. Niosia district

Material: Bronze

Category: Armenians

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust of the Armenian Bishop was donated to the Armenian community in Cyprus in 2004 by the Italian Armenian Aleco Bezigian. The unveiling took place on May 1st 2005.

Selected sources:
~ Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra, “Armenian Monuments in Cyprus”, Artsakank, September 2010, p. 15. 


Athina K. Dianellou (Αθηνά Κ. Διανέλλου) and Evgenia A. Theodotou (Ευγενία Α. Θεοδότου) busts

Γενική όψη του χώρουn Προτομή Αθηνάς Κ. Διανέλλου (Διανέλλειο Γυμνάσιο) (4)n Προτομή Ευγενίας Α. Θεοδότου (6)n

Artist: Andreas Thymopoulos (for A.K. Dianellou) and Ioannis Notaras (for E.A. Theodotou) 

Location: Dianellos and Theodotou high school, Ayias Paraskevis St., Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Marble

Dimensions: 2 meters (the pedestals) 

Category: Cypriot Women, Public Figures

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Dianellos and Theodotou high school function in the same premises of the former Nicosia Greek Orphanage. Athina Dianellou and her sister Evgenia Theodotou are considered to be two of the most important benefactors in Cyprus, supporting financially schools and charitable institutions. Evgenia Theodotou’ bust was commissioned in 1959 and the unveiling took place on June 24th 1961.

Selected sources: 
~ Ελευθερία (Eleftheria), June 25, 1961.
~ Αντώνιος & Ευγενία Θεοδότου. Οι άνθρωποι και το έργο τους (Antonios & Evgenia Theodotou. People and their deeds). Cyprus Bank Historical Archive, Nicosia: 2011.



Γλυπτό Σιακόλειο Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα (3)n Γλυπτό Σιακόλειο Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα (6)n Γλυπτό Σιακόλειο Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα (13)n

Artist: Dimitris Constantinou 

Location: Siakolas Health Educational Central, Lemesos Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Steel

Category: Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The artwork was commissioned in 2004 by Nikos K. Siakolas and it was placed in 2006.


Memorial to the Cyprus Workers Confederation

Γλυπτό ΣΕΚ (1)n Γλυπτό ΣΕΚ (8)n

Artist: Philippos Yiapanis 

Location: Cypriot Workers Confederation (SEK) premises, Strovolos Avenue.    Nicosia district 

Category: Workers’ movement

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The monument was commissioned by the Cypriot Workers Confederation (SEK). The unveiling took place on January 25th 2003. 

Although the monument claims to celebrate a workers’ victory, the broken chain and the torch between the two figures bears direct implications to the national victories. Whatever the celebration is, the overflowing sentiment here is illustrated through the intense diagonal lines of the male and the female bodies, the stretching of her limbs and the playful mood of the child. In contrast to the norm, this woman is the only one depicted in public sculpture in Cyprus, along with Eleni Siakola, to wear ordinary modern clothes and thus appears part of a contemporary community. 


Like a tree

P1100071n P1100073n

Artists: Maria Loizidou

Location: Ministry of Transport, Department of Public Works, Strovolos Avenue. Nicosia district

Category: Modern sculpture 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The work was commissioned in 1999 by the Department of Public Works. Maria Loizidou is one of the most renowned contemporary Cypriot artists with international presence. Her work explores issues of memory and time in a rather poetic manner, mainly as a result of the materials she uses and her seemingly fragile forms. 


Memorial to “The Mother”

Γλυπτό Η Μάνα (1)n Γλυπτό Η Μάνα (5)n

Artist: Theodoulos Theodoulou 

Location: The Mother square, Siakolas Commercial Park, Athalassa area, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 2.56 meters (with the pedestal)

Category: Cypriot Women

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

In 2006-2007 Nikos K. Shacolas submitted to the Advisory Monuments’ Committee his proposal for a sculpture dedicated to the memory of his mother Eleni. 

“The Mother” overturns all visual connotations applied to Cypriot mothers. Because of its individual character it is the only public depiction of a mother as a charming young woman joyfully playing with her children, exposing her body in a carefree manner, and ignoring altogether the conformism of the implicit or explicit heroic commemorations. 

That exception proves the power of the prevailing female stereotypes in Cyprus. The snapshot impression this memorial evokes was allowed for the reason that it is not making part of the nationalistic iconology. The elimination of this parameter permitted the individual facial traits, the emergence of personal emotions, and the fluid, relaxed movement of the body. Among all female representations in commemorative public sculpture in Cyprus this is the only case of a woman with an individual identity who vindicates the right to be herself, indifferent to society’s gaze.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/12, document June 7, 2006.


Memorial to Archbishop Kyprianos (Αρχιεπίσκοπος Κυπριανός)

Γλυπτό Αρχιεπισκόπου Κυπριανού (1)n Γλυπτό Αρχιεπισκόπου Κυπριανούn

Artist: Christos Symeonidis Chrisimos

Location: Archbishop Kyprianos Lyceum, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Category: Cypriot Church

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken in 2006 by the Archbishop Kyprianos Lyceum graduates of 1976, who coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on March 24th 2006.

Selected sources:
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/10, document December 21, 2005.
~ Αρχείο Συμβουλευτικής Επιτροπής Μνημείων Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (Advisory Monuments’ Committee) 14.3.01/11, document January 13, 2006.


Anelixis (Advancement)

Ανέλιξις (2)n Ανέλιξις (4)n

Artist: Costas Varotsos 

Location: Central Offices of former Popular (Laiki) Bank of Cyprus, Athalassas Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district. 

Material: Stainless steel and glass

Dimensions: 12 meters 

Category: Modern sculpture 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The artwork was commissioned in 1995 by the former Popular (Laiki) Bank of Cyprus (since April 2013 Bank of Cyprus). 

Costas Varotsos, one of the most renowned Greek sculptors of his generation, used the diagonal form and the spiral of the glass arrangement to capture the power of evolution, motion and advancement of the contemporary Cypriot society. 

“Anelixis” is Varotsos’ second public artwork in Cyprus: his “Poet”, made in 1983, is placed at Ammochostos Gate, the eastern entrance to the old city, close to the Green Line.



Γλυπτό KPMG (3)n Γλυπτό KPMGn

Artist: Christos Lanitis 

Location: KPMG offices, 14 Esperidon St., Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Category: Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

It was commissioned by the Cyprus Branch of KPMG, an international consulting company.


Nuovo Twist


Artist: Beverly Pepper

Location: American Heart Institute/American Medical Center, Spyros Kyprianou Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Corn-ten Steel

Category: Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The artwork is site specific; it was commissioned by the American Heart Institute and placed at the Medical Centre’s premises in 2010.

 Beverly Pepper has worked on versions of this subject, already exhibited at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, Ralph Klein Legacy Park, and Banker’s Court, Calgary, (Alberta, Canada).


Charalambos Pettemeridis (Χαράλαμπος Πεττεμερίδης) statue

Χαράλαμπος Πεττεμερίδης (3)n Χαράλαμπος Πεττεμερίδης (10)n

Artist: Kyriakos Kallis 

Location: Charalambos Pettemeridis Park, Tseriou Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district 

Material: Bronze

Category: EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The statue was commissioned by the “Charalambos Pettemeridis” Athletic union based in Strovolos. The unveiling took place on May 19th 1996.

Selected sources:
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/10, document April 28, 1993.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2008.9, Meeting Minutes April 10, 2008.


Kyriakos Matsis (Κυριάκος Μάτσης) statue

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Κυριάκος Μάτσης (8)n Κυριάκος Μάτσης (9)n

Artist: Evangelos Moustakas  

Location: Kyriakou Matsi Avenue, Presidential Palace roundabout, Strovolos.     Nicosia district 

Material: Brass

Dimensions: 2.30 meters (the statue)

Category: EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Adrienne Christiansen & Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative for the memorial was taken in 2002 by the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle (SIMAE). The unveiling took place on June 27th 2002.  

The pyramid behind Kyriakos Matsis symbolizes the tomb. It is torn in two parts because of the explosion of the grenade. Matsis seems to be coming out through the split pyramid, his tomb. Thus, the explosion of the grenade which caused his death, offers him immortality. 

Selected sources:
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), March 20, 1999, p. 24.
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/16, documents January 26, 1998; February 17, 1998.
~ Κρατικό Αρχείο Κύπρου, Αρχείο Πολιτιστικών Υπηρεσιών Υπουργείου Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού (State Archive of Cyprus): 268/1968/18, document March 24, 1999.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2008.9, documents March 26, 2007; January 11, 2008.
~ Ιστορικό Αρχείο ΣΙΜΑΕ (Historical Archive of the Board for the Historical Memory of the EOKA 1955-59 struggle), 17.2008.10, document May 12, 2009; Meetings minutes April 26, 2002; May 7, 2009; April 9, 2009; June 11, 2009.  


Passing Moments

Γλυπτό Ελληνικής Τράπεζαςn

Artist: Helene Black

Location: Hellenic Bank Head offices, Athalassas Avenue, Strovolos. Nicosia district

Material: Stainless steel

Dimensions: 3 meters the diameter x 2 meters in height

Category: Modern sculpture

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The artwork is an in situ piece, especially designed for the Hellenic Bank Head Offices. It was commissioned in 2003 and includes motion through light sensitivity, so it opens with daylight and closes at dusk.
