Tag Archives: Vrisoules (Βρυσούλες)

Yiannakis Giovanis (Γιαννάκης Τζιοβάνης) bust


Artist: Philippos Yiapanis

Location: On the road from Vrisoules to Frenaros village. Ammochostos district.

Category: Turkish Invasion 

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The bust was commissioned in 2010 by the Paralimni Community committee.


Memorial to the Mother of the dead and missing

1.n  2n

new location

 Artist: Andreas Terentis

Location: On the main road of Agios Georgios settlement, opposite Vrisoules-Aheritou elementary school. Ammochostos district. 

Material: Marble 

Category: Cypriot women, Turkish invasion

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

Vrisoules community committee commissioned the memorial and funded its construction. The unveiling took place on September 14th 1997. In 2012 the memorial was restructured and moved in a new location. An exact copy of the statue is used for the memorial dedicated to the Cypriot mother at Aradippou village and for Kallipatira statue at Perivolia village, both of them in Larnaka district. All three are made by the same sculptor.
