Fotis Pittas (Φώτης Πίττας) bust

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Artist: Charis Evaghelou 

Location: Fotis Pittas elementary school, Achna. Ammochostos district.

Dimensions (of the bust): 93 cm x 50 cm x 64 cm

Category: EOKA 1955-59

Photography: Vicky Karaiskou

The bust was concluded in 2001 and the unveiling of the monument took place on May 18th 2001. On the right-hand side page of the open notebook behind Pittas, is noted his phrase “Every fighter is a free person” (Ο κάθε αγωνιζόμενος είναι και ελεύθερος), while on the left-hand side page a poem-style short text of his is dedicated to the beauty and glory of Cyprus.
