Artist: Leonidas Spanos
Location: Griva Digeni Avenue and St. Nicolaos crossroads, Engomi. Nicosia district
Category: ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59
Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou
The initiative was taken in 1996 by Petros Stylianou, Mayor of Engomi, the “Free Soloi” (Eleftheroi Soloi) union, and Thasos Sofokleous. The unveiling took place on May 22nd 1997.
On the pedestal is written the phrase: “We sing and chant and praise God because He made us worthy to die for freedom” (Τραγουδούμε και ψάλουμε και δοξάζουμε το Θεό που μας αξίωσε να πεθάνουμε για την Ελευθερία).