Memorial to Fotis Pittas (Φώτης Πίττας)

Μνημείο Φώτη Πίττα (3)n Μνημείο Φώτη Πίττα (6)n

Artist: Nikos Dymiotis 

Location: The University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Avenue, Aglandjia. Nicosia district 

Material: Marble

Category: ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59

Photography: Evangelia Matthopoulou

The initiative was taken in 1959 by the Cyprus Academy of Education who coordinated the fundraising. The unveiling took place on October 18th 1961.

The stele depicts an archaic kori crowning Fotis Pittas with a laurel wreath. Judging by the spear she holds on her left hand and although she does not appear with her familiar classic features, we could identify her to Athena, being also the goddess praising heroic endeavour.  

Selected sources:
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), September 18, 1959, p. 2.
~ Χαραυγή (Haravgi), October 28, 1959, p. 2.
~ Φιλελεύθερος (Fileleftheros), October 19, 1961, p. 1.
~ Academy of Education yearbook 1961-1962.
