Yiapanis Philippos (Γιαπάνης Φίλιππος)
He was born in Famagusta in 1957. He is a self-taught sculptor. He has produced a significant number of public monuments and sculptures in Cyprus and abroad. More information on his work at: http://www.yiapanis-sculptor.com/index2.php
A sculpture for Liberty
Alekos Konstantinou (Αλέκου Κωνσταντίνου) and Panayiotis Toumazos (Παναγιώτης Τουμάζος) busts
Andreas Onisiforou (Ανδρέας Ονησιφόρου) bust
Artemis Frantzeskou (Αρτέμης Φραντζέσκου) and Toumazos Toumazou (Τουμάζος Τουμάζου) busts
Dimitris Klitou (Δημήτρης Κλείτου) bust
Dimitris Petrou Apesiotis (Δημήτρης Πέτρου Απαισιώτης) bust
Evaggelos Moulotos (Ευάγγελος Μουλωτός) statue
Georgios Koubaris (Γεώργιος Κουμπαρής) bust
Georgios Mich. Drakos (Γεώργιος Μιχ. Δράκος) bust
Leontios Gerasimou (Λεόντιος Γερασίμου) and Apostolos Kouris (Απόστολος Κουρής) busts
Liberty Monument – Memorial to Grigoris Afxentiou (Γρηγόρης Αυξεντίου)
Memorial to the Cyprus Workers Confederation
Memorial to the Geri EOKA 1955-59 fighters
Memorial to the EOKA 1955-59 heroes
Memorial to the National Guard Chief Officers – Helicopter crash
Memorial to the Pano Arodes EOKA 1955-59 dead
Memorial to the Styllon dead and missing
Michail Koukkis (Μιχαήλ Κουκκής) and Andreas Dimitriou (Ανδρέας Δημητρίου) busts
Panayiotis Toumazos (Παναγιώτης Τουμάζος) bust
Stylianos Lenas (Στυλιανός Λένας) bust